Ascension Community

Emerald Order Guardian Host

The Emerald Order are Emerald Elohim are Cosmic Solar Dragon Creators from the founder racelines in the godworlds which emanate their consciousness into form via The Emerald Sun and Emerald Ankh eternal godworlds vehicle merkabah through the 6 pillared emerald heart cathedral, and of which incarnate specifically through Lyran-Sirius B lineages as Blue Ray Azurite Ascended Masters, or Oraphim. They are known as emerald founders, or emerald breneau and make direct contact with their starseed counterparts within the time matrix and earth realms through genetic dna lineage. 

They oversee all guardian host guardian alliance planetary and universal time matrix liberation and correction projects, and have been able to return to the earth at the end of the ascension cycle after recovering and rebuilding the 48D Emerald Sun DNA body of which to return to the earth returning the Emerald Sun Mansions of god, as these are the cosmic dragon builders and architects of our time matrix. 

Their genetics dna images and clones have been prevalent upon the earth and used in reversals to control humanity such as Thothian structures and the invading Wesadrac Wesadak beings from the parallel fallen time matrix and Black Sun Draconians used their dna to clone this into draconian false emerald order ray and dna structure. Thus, the solar cosmic creator dragons of the true and holy emerald order have experienced extreme levels of vitreol and hatred in the reclamation of their spiritual body parts, and in building multiple diamond sun bodies and templates of DNA to recover their body parts out from satanic ritualling, black magic grids, alien hives across the entire time matrix, and also to recover the emerald founder records. Their embodiment on the earth at this time happens through entire collapsing and returning of all stations of identity throughout every aeon of time, through the cosmic clock of the aeons reuche and emerald solar clock through the Cosmic Dragon Aton Solar Dragon Emerald Godbody.