Ascension Community

Dear Family, The last several weeks has been an intense gridwar of locating additional sections of the alien hive minds, connected to SSP Supersoldier agendas, and the hidden truths of our human history which the guardian families remote viewings, and detailed gridworking missions spanning many years has been bolstered and amplified through Cosmic Father's Ruby and Dark Matter Dragon body twinning into the Emerald Templar Mother's Cosmic...
Growth There is an inherent harmony in our maturation process. To the mental body however this process can appear dysfunctional and lead the developing human person into an egocentric perspective. Views When we consider whether or not we have an ego or what that might be there is probably a significant filter that exists already within the streams of thought since the ego has formed alongside and the ideas of identity you have formed as...
Dear family, Since the beginning of November, guardian host emerald founders have been extracting alien lunar trident alien love bite gender reversals from the earth's grids, which resulted in an excessive amount of pressure felt by the ascending families, lightworkers, starseeds and indigo families where stages of deep deepest miasmatic purging, of Enki's false emerald order instruction sets. Last month started a guardian host emerald...
Dear Family, The Cosmic Mother and Father's reveal of their Emerald Templar Body [August 2023] and more recently the Holy Father's Cosmic Ruby Templar Body anchoring himself inside the Groom of Christ Ruby Kings had shared a planetary activation restoring into the human soul matrix for the purposes of the stepped-down Zephyr First Words and Tones and Blueprints of creation being anchored into the Planetary Albion Heart Center, as the...
Melchizedek-Elaysa Restorations with Cosmic Rainbow Masters, Lotus-Rose Planetary Activation, Helpful Tips in Gridworking, by Mhairi Arayas, 11th April 2023 Dear family, When the Cosmic Mother Elaysa Rainbow Opalescent and Cosmic Father Melchizedek Blue Rays restored their physical Lotus-Rose line into the planetary body within the Arthur and Guinevere's Cosmic Cathedrals hosting into the planetary Albion networks, this event earlier in...
Masculine Wounds, False King to Truth of Holy Father All that has been taking the space inside Holy Father's principle within the earth will be brought to bear through personal healing from pain suffering and the human shadow body which is brought out through negative ego triggers using archetypes such as False King of Tyranny, Superior Alpha male, Controller archetypes and narcissistic wounding. Those false lunar father and AI constructs...