Ascension Community

Solar Female Christ

See Also Triple Solar Goddess, Sophianic Daughters

The Solar female christ birthes the solar consciousness inside her body to burn off the lunar forces, shadow forms, and negative ego in which to prepare her body to receive the embodiment of the true holy mother and sophianic daughters aspects, which come in a trinity wave of triple goddess into the soul monad and avatar matrix. 

From our Cosmic Mother Cosmic Dragon Solar Christed Sun bodies in the godworlds, we receive the reconnections into the human body through the staff vertical connections in building the staff leads us to reach the eye of god as the Cosmic Holy Trinity of Godparent fields. 

Aspects of our holy mother birth through from the godworlds and show as Celtic female goddess principles in Elohei-Dragon-Felines in their various Mother's templates of blue flame and white flame, peach flame holders. The Solar Mahara Reisha Solar Founder Dragons are the counterparts of the masculine Solar Rishi: these families enter through into time passing as one unified expression through Ursa Major & Pleides as 7 Sisters and 7 Brothers, the Trinity of the Reisha-Rishi union in Cosmic Universal Couple pass through the stars together as one Risen Christos-Sophia 

Mary - Cosmic Mother's Rainbow and White Sun in Elohei Great White Lions and in Golden Sun for Seraphim Lineages

Meritaten - Cosmic Mother's White Sun Mother of Dragons Celtic Goddes

Brigid - Cosmic Mother's White Sun Celtic Goddess 

Guinevere - Cosmic Mother's Peach Sun Ankulasa & in Ruby Sun 

Magdalene - Emerald Order Mother's Emerald Sun Melchizedek-Elaysa Ascended Masters