Ascension Community

Lunar to Solar Feminine Melchizedek Female Christ Solar Body Rebuilding, Healing, Triple Goddess – Starseed HGS session

And today is December 4, 2019.  I am here in service through the hierogamic fields of the 360 zero point and orb body,  connected with and through the trifold flame and zero in 360 degrees.  I set the field intention to work in service on your behalf to bring forth all that is most appropriate, needed or necessary in alignment with your own intentions voice or unvoiced.   As I welcome your Avatar to the field architecture to oversee and guide our session field. Intending to bring forth the highest level of clarity and truth as I work in service on your behalf. 

Ezmarelda Lunar Forces preventing Staff and Blue Ray set into Monadic and Soul Matrix Inversions-Reversals

Okay, we are looking at the lunar force energies as the orbiting nature of the moon basically.  Part of the moon horizontal field is being highlighted here and, so I am just holding a moment to look at your architecture and to understand what is most supportive for you at this time. Part of what you going through at this time, certainly as the lightbody presents to me as the unhooking and the death process of the lunar energy out of your physical body and out of the multiple layers of the female side of your energy.  There is a form of understanding that I can derive from reading the portion of your lightbody and it is to say it’s almost like what we are looking at here is soul matrix lunar inversions. Monadic matrix lunar inversions and all of the interwoven components that comprise of the healing of the wounds related to the dark Mother. 

So, the frustration energy, anger energy, the impatience energy that is within your mental body constructs through the 1st 2nd and 3 dimensional layers, they reveal to me this level of almost like a form of obfuscation which is that has been forms of consciousness that have really ether muddied your view of some components of what it is that you are working through or healing. And so, in this moment now, just holding the intention, moving it into the lunar orbit space and there’s a, basically spiritual body parts that have to be returned to you from the moon itself, so in that moment, accessing the lunar body system on the horizontal.  There’s an energy present within your energy field that is a part of a race line history or a connection to something I am identifying as the Esmerelda energy, it is like a form of lunar force energy that harnesses basically the 5th dimensional sphere and the soul matrix.  Its like it harnesses it to the moon it has connections to the Vatican inner gate system and in general the 5d gates of planet earth, the Tara body explosion and this harnessing basically of the organic female consciousness. So, returning, retrieving spiritual body parts that return to you from the moon itself. There are diamond seed codes that are being retrieved here. 

Ezmarelda identifications as Luciferian Female Expressions of Dark Mother Imposter Guardians

And I am moving into the planet body of Saturn. Removing base elemental reversals from your light body and atomic body related to Saturn compaction. Clearing, removing and releasing Saturnian blood worship trauma. Evicting Luciferian consciousness that binds the female aspect through your body.  There’s negative ego programs that I feel that you are still working through okay.  And the only way I can describe it to you is a form of almost like a level of superior thinking that is also related to the impatience.  When I feel what part of that is, it is either the absorption of some form of spiritual information that you have taken to mean something superior and the way it is impacting you is to, call forth, it’s like the energy of this superior thought form, it is like calling forth a feeling or a memory let’s say, cause I am looking through the galactic planes of your lightbody to see where is the root of this essence.  It takes me back to previous stations of your identity or we could say concurrent states of identity that are existing in the wrong locations okay.  So, what this means when our essence was projected down into the time matrix some of the extensions of the energy projections from the Monad were projected into the wrong space time vectors.  It means that as we look at the light body, as I look at the light body, I can see their projections points of where the stations of identity doesn’t get to their time vector of intended connection because the universal portions of some of the architecture through the time matrix was usurped in the metatronic ability you know the reversal 55 grids, the black tree of life alignments, the kabbalah. 

So, what it is supportive to share with you is the reason that it feels like you are moving through the death process right now, is because there is a lot of lunar energy and female wounding that you are having to process through at this time. So, it can feel like a death, very physical. It can feel like you are losing your mind, it can feel like your body is dying, okay.  But what this is, is a part of your body dropping density.  The requirement for you to look at negative ego patterns to help you with that so you can heal these feelings of injustice that seem to be inside of your template system, okay. 

Because these energies are creating a feedback loop that is how you are transfiguring, your awareness of what the dark mother energy looks like what that does on the face of the earth.  How that runs within your own body and how you can manage to heal this out of your body as related to the wounds basically, the female wounds.  The feeling of not being able to be with your twin. The feeling of being almost a caretaker of your husband, like all these types of feelings are in here that you are having to witness transmute through your body so that you can move this lunar energy out. So, into the Saturn planet continuation here is a requirement to assemble and return body parts that belong to you.  Applying core soul protection to all of the body parts that are coming back.  Clearing Qlippoth currents, cleaning reversal violet ray.

Evicting the Ezmeralda energy that is impactful of your entire female side through every dimensional sphere on the left side body and female. The Ezmeralda energy looks like a form of white light consciousness but it is actually a false Christ light entity that is like a dragon consciousness. So, there’s a feeling here and please hear me with your heart, I feel like this consciousness has been tricking you and acting like the Guardian host. It is not happy with me looking at it in the eye. It is not happy with me being able to evict that out of your field as much as can be at this time.  It is almost like it shapeshifts into some form of Aurora white dragon consciousness, but when I look at what it is made of, its made of false white light, it is made of a Luciferian consciousness stream.  So, this has to be fully witnessed by yourself if this is in resonance to you.  This energy feels like its being filling your head full of glamour.  And it is like making you, it’s actually what it is doing is, I can see it now. It’s been pulling on the strings of part of your Seraphim lineage consciousness from the past that is the family of Michael, okay. 

The blue ray Melchizedek family and blue ray in family of Michael or masculine consciousness seems to be a part of your genetic linage, this Ezmeralda consciousness is like creating a form of deception and so that you, almost like you are being drawn out of your heart all of the time by listening to this consciousness or this consciousness is giving your direction or commands and telling you that it is your Guardian teams. This is not your Guardian teams. This is a like a Luciferian elitist type of intellectual consciousness body that is using its energy to bind part of the planet grids down into 5th dimensional reversals. It is been created through its part of black hole entity gestalt that is very similar to the Consettia dragon black hole entities. 

Holding a moment here just for further observation. Is also related to the false hall of mirrors and these energy planes through the 5th dimension of the false ascension matrix.

Okay, further witnessing…  on your behalf and if you feel resonant to saying this inwardly with me, I cancel all and any agreements that I have made that were not in the interest of my highest Godself expression through all of time. I do not consent to entity manipulation. I do not consent to imposter spirits. There’s a form of manipulation that this energy has had over your fields, to the best of my ability to describe to you what that is.  It is the analogy of a carrot on a stick comes to mind, Its like it places a carrot out  in front of you it almost feel like you have to jump through some certain hoops to obtain the prize and I can see these consciousness traps in your energy field that are  very much related to the Michael Mary separation timelines and like the Monadic twin separation timelines as well.

So just in the witnessing of that, we call forth our Holy Mother through the 13th pillar arc zone holding the fields here inside of the arc zone inside the Holy Mothers divine cosmic proton seed and womb energy.  Allowing the Holy Mother to encompass your entire body as allowing the breath just to feel the holy Mother essence, the truth of the Mother essence.  This is Ezmeralda consciousness is acting like a false mother.  It appears white. It shapeshifts between black almost qlippoth current and white essence energy.  I can see that it resides in portions of the 5th dimensional planetary body and part of that false white light webbing is also connected to the black tree of life and leads a portal access to the daath portal system which is like the Luciferian which is the 10th and 11th dimensional false white light basically which is also the inside of time false timekeeper pillars of the Ain Soph, Ain Soph Ur of the Kabbalah artificial tree of life at the Thothian Held timekeeper portals of the Satanic Luciferian antichrist lunar structures which are inside false timefields binding and preventing your connections as clear staff through the monad and higher levels.

So, as you breath in the holy Mother, we are running Krystal waters through your body, allowing the Krystal waters to bring soothing essence and energy to your field, to your physical body.

There’s a core seed fear inside of your template system on the 1st dimensional sphere that reads to me as the fear of being left behind.  The fear of being not good enough.  The fear of not being recognized for who you are.  The fear of being misunderstood and missing out on your life path.  Now, part of that is hooked into the planet memories of Maldek and Tiamat explosion. So, in this moment now we are moving into Maldek to retrieve your consciousness. And the compassionate witnessing of the Maldekian race line traumas, recovery of essences of gold ray consciousness and solar body parts that belong to you.  Clearing all genetic ascendancy memory records related to the trauma, the compaction, the abandonment, the loss of home, loss of family sensations and grief through the Maldekian time cycles, timelines. Clearing AI timelines related to Maldek.

Tiamat Scepter Rod & triple Goddess codes recon from Tiamat Pre-Fall Perfected Timelines Albion Dragon Body

And we are moving into Tiamat.  As we connect to Tiamat there is a connection to the perfected Tiamat prior to the fall. And so, there is a level of reconnecting part of the body of Sophia, the Tiamat triple Goddess energy or the triple Goddess coding that helps triad the female essence inside the Diamond sun template. So, recovering these triple Goddess codes. Lovingly holding a space for consciousness retrieval and template retrieval from Tiamat.  There are core manifestation templates from Tiamat stations of identity that are coming back to you now.  They are being reimbued into the Diamond Sun template. And then moving back in the Tiamat timeline of the planetary explosion of Tiamat, so, in this moment reassembling soul fragments and body parts. Rebuilding the bodies from the Tiamat expressions of consciousness and the recovery of scepter rod coding. It would be very similar to if you see coronations of, you know, Kings and Queens and they hold the kind of globe in their hands and its got the cross coming out of it. There is a level of this formation being returned to you as part of the Solar Queen and King archetypes.  

So, holding this moment for the consciousness transport returned to you it is being rebuilt here, reassembled. Repair all gender separation trauma through the cellular alphabet, pair bond sequences to the DNA. Align. To repair the staff and reimbue the DNA sequences as we recover parts of the planetary body Tiamat staff energy. Is appearing as a form of rainbow diamond body parts that are being returned. Just feeling those essences as they return to you 2203 to support the healing of the wounded female principal and to rebuild that within your own template system in the here and now moment. As we clear all forms of guilt, shame, trauma, anger, injustice.  Clearing the spirit of impatience. The spirit of impatience is attached into the center vertical of your body.  It is almost like saying, the lack of control that you have felt, the spirit of impatience needs to be in control.  Part of the negative ego, part of a spiritual like demonic attachment here. it is creating a sense within you and it is causing fear.  So, it is perpetuating the sense of you not being in control, okay. And as you know, the essences of control stem from and come from the dark mother, the satanic essence that we are all trying to get out of the body.  So, in the removal of that energy, we are reanchoring parts of the staff. Removing staff splitter, rod splitter, MM wing splitter, MM splitting through 2d, 5d and 8d spheres.

From here we are moving into the planetary body of Tara. And from Tara the recovery and return of blue dragon essence and DNA that belongs to you. So, holding a moment for this consciousness body parts return.  There is also some magenta ray cetacean DNA fragments and body parts that are coming back to you here.  Reapplying and installing correcting the correct Mothers base tone inside the DNA of the light lightbody.  Recovery and rebuilding of core manifestation templates. These are part of the 5th dimensional light body parts for the Krystalla templating.  So, the Kryst Krystalla body, itself, the double diamond sun body.  These core manifestation templates help the alignment and the building of those portions of the Double Diamond Sun template.

Melchizedek Female Christ Repairs to rebuild Solar Body, Perceptual Bridge Higher Mind and 5D Sphere corrections, Ego Clearings

So, to share with you some further information, what I feel your body holds a record of.   Your light body holds a record of the defamation of the female blue ray Melchizedek through this universal time matrix.  So, one way to look at that is to say, the fallen aspects of the Mother or the reversal Mother, the way that the Negative aliens used the Mother consciousness reversed heart and then cloned her and then   they created an AI Mother and then installed that using the body components of the blue ray self. So, I am sorry if that is upsetting for you. Please allow your own compassionate witnessing to recognize that the lightbody contains the memory records of what truthfully happened here.  So as Krystic beings who are able to access that, we can then read that, to recode and help the repair and the rebuilding. So, there are many 5th dimensional aspects that you are currently working through. This is really important because the 5d sphere is the, the sensory perception, the higher sensory perception through our physical bodies as held in the blueprint through the 5th dimensional sphere.  And as challenged, if you will, by the requirement to remember to build the most loving expression of yourself that you can.  Allowing core frustrations to come up, allowing for that impatience to come up, but and a remembering and awareness that at these levels of despair that you have felt through your life experience recently what the physical body struggles and traumas. 

There are some of that energy that has it roots within the miasmic pain or the memory of the loss of the Mother, okay, so just allowing that to be brought forth as we call forward and align with the Holy Father Solar King to support healing as we are continuing to recover consciousness from Tara for you. Re linking and aligning your body into the Krystal Guardian Host Tara shield connection to support the horizontal buildings of the mentor mind. Installing Aurora Host upgrades, repair for the mental bodies on the soul matrix level and to the Guardian Mentor Band.

Also, part of the perceptional bridge technology inside of the light body, just holding a moment for support for building the perceptional bridge, it is dropping the negative ego to levels where you can be neutral.  Where you do not hold on to an outcome as a form of win or lose, okay. 

Now, part of that is the rebuilding and understanding that the negative ego thinks it knows everything. The negative holds us in fear.  The negative ego says God is not real and gives us a false view of the reality of connecting with God Source. So, building the perceptional bridge is part of opening up also the heart matrix into the retrusting of God. Now, what I am looking at in your body is the way that your trusting God has been lost through the experiences that you had.  Maybe even what I feel is almost like you expected to have a specific relationship with Guardian teams that didn’t quite manifest for you or that it was different from the way that you thought it would be therefore you kinda of shunned it to the side, then this kind of Ezmeralda consciousness kinda filled the gap, right, it was kinda like saying, well if she can listen to me, then I will give her what she wants to know. I will tell here some things that will keep her out on a limb, out on a horizontal field and state of consciousness trap.

So, please allow that to be released from your body because every single essence that comes forward, until there is an extremely, like really well embodied connection to your staff, to your higher sensory perception, then its harder to determine the Guardian force and it is easier to determine the imposters like the imposters sound like they should be Guardians. Well, they are not.  Just sharing with you to boundary test any form of communication that you receive in your mind, any form of direction that you get as a form of narrative or sentence or connection. When you start refusing the connections from guides or entities until you can determine the truth.

That means boundary test every single being that is coming into your space.  Ask them to recite the group unity vow, you know any Guardian force will not recoil in hatred when asked it is asked to recite the group unity vow.  Know with your heart that you are trying to figure out your yes, no radar inside of your body. And I know that you know these things, but it feels like it is pertinent to share that with you at this time. Because I feel like this has been one of these things that has not been solid for you or hasn’t been something that you felt you could rely upon or what I want to say about this is the Guardian guidance that you will be receiving will be proven to you it will come to pass. You won’t have to work really hard to make things happen.

When they are in divine alignment the thing that you felt was your guidance from your Avatar will come to pass. Even if it that means taking a few action steps or doing a few things, it is always through your heart.  The Guardian teams that are imposters will give you a story line to say that you have to do specific things or this thing is about to happen, or this thing is really happening now, just keep doing this thing in this direction. There is a subtle different between feeling the true guardians and understanding that the imposter spirits will always, always play to your fears, right? So, they will give your story lines such as just keeping doing this, your twin flame is on his way, just keep doing this, this is your twin, right? Just keep looking over here, this is what you need to do.  They are distractor forces. They sound like they know the thing, they are Distractors out of the heart space.  Please take that as your own resonance, it is being highlighted here by your Avatar to speak about it.  To help to build your center of trust within your heart. 3333

Yeah. Okay, we are rebuilding part of the 5th harmonics in the light body that has sustained damage, clearing Anubian black heart trauma. Clearing Anunnaki tagging, tracking and locators. Clearing energy residue related to ruby sun SRA trauma and uninstalling 2nd dimensional timeline splitters and splicers that are part of targeting family of Michael masculine in the blue ray. Clearing 9th dimensional reversals and moving into a cloning station of family of Michael transhumanist soldiers through the 9th dimensional layers. And into Aldebaran at the same time, okay. 

There is a false arc structure that is in the Aldebaran area and it is like a false Michael return path or a false Blue Ray return path. Its where the negative aliens created a form of trickery for the passageway back to the homelands of some of the family Michael solar essences from Aldebaran. So, clearing and collapsing this false home path. Closing the portal system from your body. Collapsing clones and collapsing the family of Michael cloning stations releasing all body parts, cloned identities. Clearing looking glass technology and false AI timelines through the 3d sphere clearing the yellow cube matrix and false holograms, holographics inserts, audio, visual.  Holographic inserts through.. is body command sequences through higher sensory perception that are in reverse.

So, it would be like saying when you feel an inner yes, it was really an inner no.

Its like a reversal principal.    Clearing the implant. Clearing mind control sub atomic level, atomic level, atomic body harnessing, transposition filters.  Clearing transposition filters and consciousness traps.  Clearing spiral key instruction sets and as we run the Aquareion lilac amplifier from Aqualasha into the bones of the body starting from the feet also running that into the 1st dimensional sphere. Clearing false mother holograms and fragments of subconscious and mind particles. Influencing through the mental body Aquareion through the bones.  Just asking you to breath that in, the Aquareion amplifier. It’s like a form of pastel lilac frequency that helps to heal the bones, clear the bones of death seals. 1st dimensional death seals are also part of the VV programs, so clearing these from the bones. Allowing the miasmatic residue, the bindings through the bone matrices to be fully cleared, aligned and balanced as GWHB.  Clearing the blood of blood covenant trauma and bindings through the Luciferian Covenant. Luciferian blood covenant bindings and entity possessions through ancestral lineages or tagging. It’s like saying an ownership, ownership through the Luciferian has been placed in the light body.  So, clearing the spells, hexes, curses, SRA bindings and reptile abuse trauma related to blood clearing the blood plasma, all   cellular matrices through the blood. The fibrin, the plasma, the DNA sequences. Restoring the copper element to the aligned balance in the blood stream as GWHB.  Increase oxygenation to 100 percent. 

Clearing the lungs of miasmatic drowning memories from other timelines and ancestral pockets on the lungs. There are entities attached into the lung area that need to be witnessed and released through your body.  So, allowing the plural sheath and cavity space through the lung tissue itself.  Clearing with celestine fire and Krystal waters merged. Clearing the air element of the body. Clearing the false umbilicus from the body. 

Chiron & Ophiuchus Corrections of reversal imprints

The Ophiuchus alignment through the body system and connections to Chiron as we witness, basically there is reversal cordings to Chiron and Ophiuchus through black snake. Which is like saying, the binding of the snake on the right ankle is related to the passageway that you will take between the silver gate of man and the golden gate of man through the ascension journey.  So, clearing the Ophiuchus bindings, reversals and connections to the arc gate system.  The arc gates are the connection to the Cornwall gate system. Remove all energetic bindings that are placed in reversal. Clearing the Asclepius rod reversal which is the right foot, right snake technology imprint in the light body. Clearing your birth transduction sequence related to the Ophiuchus, to the Sagittarius man. Fire element, satanic reversal and fire element. Clear all aspects.

Repair through the tetramorphic aquaSAreion periwinkle amplifier as we run that through the magnetic principal of your entire body system, through the 8 fetal cells.  Clearing the entire zodiac shielding birth transduction of your body and your birth transduction sequence as GWHB, through the tetramorph HG amplifier. Clearing the fire element, all signs. Clearing the earth element, all signs. Air elements, water elements.  Aligning and through the atomic body regulator to repair the atom.  Atomic body elements, physical elements. Clearing the bindings of the sextant matrix through the 666 wing trauma Anunnaki wings cut off trauma.  And as we run through the synovial fluid of the body. Clearing again through the sextant matrix reversals of the synovial fluid and the regression or degeneration of the fluid creation inside of the body.  Clearing all forms of inflammation, parasitic consciousness, etheric webbing, etheric harnessing. Clearing the instruction set for Morgellons through the nadial capsule, nadial body etheric body, clearing the black cube matrix and pestilence curse, pestilence programming.  4 horsemen of the apocalypse.  These technologies beam out the illnesses to the human body and sweep through the planetary grids in order to create the inflammation and the, you know the body’s sense of pain, etc to incite basically part of the illnesses we are enduring, this is just one part of it. So, clearing that technology from influencing your field.

As we are moving through the 8d portal and into the fallen Wesadrak black hole universe.  So, holding a space as I’m moving in there.  And Wesadrak accessing, basically black clones. These are like black reversals of the double diamond sun body.   They look like black disco balls or black solar panel technology.  It is vast in here. We are accessing a part of this field where your Blue Ray Melchizedek body parts have been held in the Wesadrak system so, dismantling through square the circle reversals within and the Yahweh pillar matrix system. 

Clearing reversal arc tools, reversal grail tools. 

Black flowering, black lotus, black rose, black lily, black dahlia. Clearing and evicting all lunar forms, Baphomet from your field now.

Holy Mother. Please breathe in the Holy Mother essence into your body in this moment to support the transit of the Baphomet out of your body and field.  Out of these spherical areas.  This is part of the transmutation of the lunar energy out as we are recovering part of your stolen energy back that will definitely assist you in the transfiguration of the lunar to solar.  So, lovingly removing all lunar reversal bindings. The planet body of Tara explosion memory that has been utilized in the Wesadrak system to create maximum pain and suffering upon humanity. As we dismantle this black solar consciousness. Collapsing all clones, negative forms. Negative forms of your Michael and Mary essences and their monadic bod inside of the Wesadrak system. This is clone. It is an AI architecture but it binds the soul and Monad in the here and now. Okay, because these entities have kept the lunar force running on the Earth because they use the consciousness units that belong to us, pulled them out into the black whole, then projected that energy back to earth as part of the Baphomet fields. So, we really doing a fairly large support for the eviction of the Baphomet and part of the reclamation of your female essence, solar essence, Holy Mother essence, and part of the Sophianic essence at the same time. So, an acknowledgement and compassionate witnessing of the ultimate frustration and anger that you have felt inside of your body.

Allowing those essences and energy to be transmuted through the solar energy as I open up the field into further Wesadrak locations and into Orion into Nibiru into phantom matrix locations and hibernation zones simultaneously to recover solar energy that belongs to you. 

Rebuilding the Solar Christ Melchizedek Female Body, for Solar RA Centre building

Rebuilding the solar body. Fire letters, cellular alphabet codes. And imaging that in front of your body right now is a sun. And this sun is part of your solar body template system that is returning to you now. So, imagine if you will, that this solar body comes towards you and melts into your stomach area. This forms part of the RA center, so holding the essence of the KA RA YA SA TA AA LA and the 12 solar suns from Aqualasha, from Andromeda our 7 higher heaven aspects. Using the merged light of the entire Krystalla body to permeate and activate the Ra center in your own body as we evict Azazael and Black Lilith from the 2nd dimensional sphere.  As we evict fallen Angelics, fallen seraphim consciousness. RRO and allow healing to take place. And we are installing what is referenced as a Andromedan seed code template.  Basically, it helps anchor the Aquaelle and Aquafey energy into the 2nd dimensional sphere or the gender center. It helps the Christ Sophia energy anchor into the body as well.  So, in this moment as we install that template, it helps flowering of the gender center and to build the lotus and rose coding inside of the light body and the Sophianic body corrections. So, reassembling and repairing your dark matter template.  Clearing the shadow body and negative form clones from the shadow body which is the 2nd dimension as well.  Resequencing the connection between 2nd dimensional sphere and 5th dimensional sphere 2 to 5 align. Throat center and 5d spectrum wave frequency clearing of the voice and the higher heart center to the 5th dimensional center. The 8d to the 5d as we are installing Krystal seed codes into your permanent seed atom to help the further onward building. Masculine to feminine, feminine to masculine merge. Clearing the nadial capsule and nadis of soul fiber damage and installed negative harnessing.  Clearing the perineum area and the spinal column of reversals. MM reversals, Adam and Eve reversals. Gender splitting reversals. Alien love bite technology and clearing the entire spinal column. Aligning to the spine of Albion. Clearing atlas axis point of installed syphoning, the back of the head.  And removing mind control scripts and reversals on the 10th dimensional sphere.

Moving into the planetary body of Venus and we move onto Venus. We are collecting template systems that belong to you that will help the female principal inside. We have gold ray template and violet ray template here. It is like an amethyst sun or violet sun essence which is like a 12d grid which is the violet essence. A 12 tree grid that is a golden essence, together they make up the supportive alliance for the solar female body as part of the Ramayana consciousness.  So, as we hold a moment here for the installation of these templates, clearing and aligning the trinity of triangles, the dark matter template and the gelesiac body of the Eucharist through the female principial as we imbue the solar feminine. Clearing and repairing the violet wave. And realigning the 7th dimensional sphere, the Mary energy sphere into the one point and into the thymus gland. The Michael energy sphere 6th dimension from the wing point to the thymus as we clear the MM horizontal.

Installation of Gaian-Tara-Earth Heart Matrix Corrections Aquamarine-Emerald Heart Installations

Installing an aquamarine rhomboid diamond instruction set into the 4th dimensional heart. Allowing that to permeate and sit within the heart matrix, this helps to bring the Kryst and Krystalla together through the developmental stages of that. As we install the counterpart of the holy Father emerald rhomboid diamond instruction set installed into the 8th dimensional sphere. Soul to monad, align.

Sapphire Body Corrections for the Building out of the Aquaelle-Aquafey and Seed Codes Template Offspring of Christos-Sophia and DNA Corrections – Rose Line Internal Grail Line Corrections

Okay I want you to just imagine that you are connecting with your staff in this moment. And as you connect to your staff focusing on the gender center of the body okay, your sexual organs. We are installing an instruction set which is like the sapphire violet cube instruction set, part of the Sophianic body, part of the Krystalla body to help reclaim and build the Sophianic body parts and the solar Mary body parts inside of your body. So just imagine if you will, that there is this God cosmic cube tesseract that is like looking at crystal clear sapphire violet tanzanite dark blue essences of our Holy Mother Sophia.  And as this is being installed into the body it realigns into that Andromedan seed code template. And we call forth the Aquaelle as the pale pastel frequency of the aqua blue linking into the 2d center running into the 5d center and the 8th dimensional center.  Calling forth the Aquafey which is the Holy Father sun essence which is like a pale pastel whitish emerald color. It is like an opaque pale emerald color allowing that to link into 2nd dimensional center on the masculine side linking from 2d to 5d to 8d.

As we are removing the energy essences bound within the eternal line of the 2 5 8 which is part of the inner grail line or the inner rose line.  The energy consciousness is bound within there as the Morgana or Morgan LeFey energy. The Morgana essence was an organic Krystic being from the King Arthur timeline.

And the pairing of the Morgana and Merlin were used in reverse, so they reversed upon themselves to bind the Roseline upon planet earth and to create the femme fatale type of archetype and that’s like money hungry type of archetypes made in the lunar forms which have bound the internal grail and hara so, in this moment as we evict Morgana and Merlin consciousnesses. 

Removing the Mer line obfuscation on the horizontal that impales the diamond rose line through the Michael-Mary line in a reversal construct. Repairing and correcting the alignment sequence, rod to staff. And just asking again to focus again on your staff here, okay.  Feel the blue ray of the Mother inside of your heart at this moment, as the Mother essence is filling up every cell of the body.  As she fills every body, she is reminding you of that innocent child within, the spark within your heart, inviting you to remember who you really are. As she fills the cells of your body, she fills every memory through your current life. As the Holy Mother witnesses all essences within your body, you mind, you soul and your life timelines.  

Collapsing AI timelines. Removing the zeta seal from the 4th dimensional heart. And clearing all cellular memories completing and totally from the blueprint, from the cellular, atomic, sub atomic, nuclei, sub nuclei, quantum, energy to form.

Birth transduction, dark matter template. Align the dark matter template to the Diamond Sun.  And installing the white rose of Christ coding into the 1st dimensional sphere as part of the Cathar codes to help to heal the physical body, the elements of the physical body and the building and embodiment of the solar female. Clearing through all timelines. Morphogenetic imprint through the physical, soul, monad, avatar founder dimension. Now self, other selves, all combinations.  Through all sensory memory, through hearing, temperature memory, scent memory, visual memory, breath memory, repetition memory. Disconnectedness, numbness shock or trauma in all combinations. Clearing discomfort and pain memory through mental memory of thinking, speaking, worrying, knowing or realizing.  Fear memory, addiction memory, feeling it memory, body function or body fears memory.  Clearing the fight, fright or phase mechanism of the physical body. Clearing the quantum field impact electron proton distortion. Unmanifest to manifest.  Past, present and future integration. Mismatched or artificial body parts. Demonics and false Angelics.  Imposter spirit manipulation. Astral manipulation. And the external impacts through neurological. Flexibility and acceptance. Manipulations or cord programs.  Veils of illusion blocking perception. Memories and imprints. Level 3 category sweep and clearing. To clear all memories and influences permanently and completely. To eliminate. To release, to protect, to set free. Sovereign to zero point. STS sweep. Collapse all time fields.

Seal the aura and close to end our session information.

Just some information.

Sessionfield Closing Comments and Summary for supports

I realize that some of the information that I shared there is a divine timing for the healing of the aspects of some of the things I mentioned. Which was related to the point where some of our expressions came into the time matrix and were not aligned so they were living in an AI portion of the grid or the monadic rays that come down into the time matrix, were trying to get to a specific time place but couldn’t get there. So, please do not be concerned about that, okay? In this now moment everything that has been achieved in your session has been sanctioned through your Avatar for now.    

All of the activations and the repair work and the consciousness retrievals today may take you several months to embody the understanding of inside of your field. And from my heart to yours, it is important for you to take your time with that.  Some of the healing of the lunar force to get it out of our body is excruciating, okay? So, I know you will know this.  I know that you felt the depth of the pains through the body, like the death feeling. If you are able to just meditate into your heart and ask, what is going on right now?  Like, am I being attacked? Or, are there parts of my energy that are returning to me that have been wounded and that is why it feels so painful.  What is going on?

Try your best okay, to connect only with God or your Avatar.  The manipulation that I feel you were experiencing through the consciousness which is identified as Ezmeralda is really prevalent you know, until we really good connection and trust our heart space and our teams, we are open to several lines of communication coming from the Ezmarelda as a lunar female imprint and consciousness which controls as a controller in the dark mother, it has prevented the staff and correct mother arc alignments. So, it means that you can be receiving your own avatar expression or Guardian teams at the same time you are getting imposter spirits who sound a little bit the same, or you might identify that they could be the same. It may be the time to do your boundary testing all over again and become extremely consistent with it, because the betrayal sense right? The betrayal that comes from understanding, that oh my goodness I’ve actually been receiving false information. It is a really hard learning curve.  It is really painful.  So, I am guiding you here to take this with your resonance, test your connection, okay.  Boundary test.

There will be phases that you really don’t need to speak to a Guardian force because you are trying to rebuild your heart matrix and to understand what that truly is.  When there is a form of, how could I put that, I witness this in a lot of people and I know it from my own experience too, when there’s a direct heart desire to get a Guardian contact all entities will jump in to answer the call.  So, what you want to do is just recognize the peacefulness of Guardianship. Guardians don’t come and give you a direction. They don’t tell you what to do.  They don’t tell you how to live your life.  But your feedback loop as your building it, through your staff and energy, you will feel the energetic resonance that will feel kind of animated it might feel soft and gentle compared to something that makes you feel like excited and highly electrified or with a charge, okay?   It’s up to you to test your higher senses, to gain that insight.  Maybe you want to journal your insights and then check them off.  Like I felt like this was going to happen and this was the right thing for me.  What was the feeling in my body?   What senses did I have then. You are learning to trust your own body and higher senses first and foremost. So, I hope this is helpful. 

Just allow a period of time, okay for the integration of this work.  There is a lot of big pieces in there and it may take some emotional processing until you really fully integrate that into a level of stability in your body. So, everything that has been shared today has been shared through the service mission of Cosmic Sovereign Law to help you build your Source connection and your lightbody back as GWHB. So, take in only what resonates and discarding all the rest.

I give thanks to your Avatar.  Your Avatar came in as a male expression and also joing with the female expression of your Avatar to help the session field today, so just acknowledging, thanking as we seal the entire fields here. Sending you many blessings. Sealing the field into the light unity, oneness, wholeness and truth and through omni love.  And so it is.