Ascension Community

In understanding the issues of spirituality and the context for being at one or enlightened, the planetary terrain and grids networks have been outfitted with a series of negative ego false god annukian- Thoth, Enki, Enlil and others, with various mental intelligence negative ego controller archetypes which fall under the heading of Messiah Complex, Hero-Saviorism, Spiritual Enlightenment Ego, Power Abuses. These archetypes come under the heading of Service to Self and do not lead into the pattern of self-sovereignty, but instead, lead into mental body controls which is a false freedom and controlled by consciousness traps connected to these archetypal beliefs. This means - a false freedom is attained, but under the ego's negative control over the soul. 

Many of the texts of the past, and the hierarchical nature of the religious, spiritual and new ager communities is that some have been led into believing the Messiah, Guru, Hero-Saviorism and having an intellectually elitist perspective such as counting oneself above all others, such as in blissful self-aggrandiazement is the nature of spiritual ascension. These archetypal patterns have been used in the lower mental body planes and mind fields which infected the planetary logos with polarity patternings, or victim-victimiser software. These patterns of the Messiah, the Hero-Saviourisms and False "Christ" Archetypes are all a patterning of mixed power abuses against the inner self, and used by the negative entities, the demonics and archons in the earth to push awakening humans into believing their immediate supremacy with a helping of self-aggrandiazement in making them self-pedestal and self-appoint themselves as fully ascended. The vast issue with many forms of different energies upon the earth all vying over humanity to control their hearts, minds and brains, has meant that good people have been confused over spiritual leaderships who abuse their power in group settings, or use their own self-important ego to lead people into confusional traps, without having dealt with their own shadow or pain body first. 

The planetary ascension is unfolding in such a way, that the higher forces over our creation, the cosmic christos intelligences, and the families of Christos-Sophia have returned into the earth to support the healing of the planetary body, and to case study the many negative ego mind controlling programs which have been used and embodied by many in power hungry or power abusing types of characteristics. The human populace has suffered from a dark aeon of time, where no godhead architectures were running inside the earth, as it was only in 2009 that the Mother Arc Aquamarine Ray was reconnected into our planetary body, to power up the Aquamarine Crystal Heart of the earth, in which could start to open the access into the Andromedan Galaxy where several of the guardian host families could start to come in to the planetary matrix. This issue has meant that whilst in the dark aeon, the antichrist forces, the luciferian false fatherly and annunakian false father, and satanic lunar alien dark mother baphomet, were able to instill their thoughtforms and hierarchical mindsets into the planet, and to hijack the planetary brain and logos of the human collective consciousness mind, to install fear, suffering, war, and to control humanity through various desire-needs-aggressions and power abuses. 

During the ascension, when a person starts to receive their Soul Awakening, the process takes them into fields of their own inner heart and shadow, in which the darkness must be seen inside the self, in order to start to recognise the layers of shadow, mistaken beliefs, and to address the pain inside the personal lightbody. The heart in 4D the physical human heart, is a repository for all of the lives lived throughout time, and this starts to open in stages, in which the person will undergo a level of first pass of understanding that they have an ego. Usually, if the person can pay attention to this, it will be an internal process of deeply moving through life circumstances, as the soul is now connecting to the human psyche and mental body. If the process unfolds, it will be sometimes described as a blissful feeling of understanding actual physical emotional connectedness with all things. This is stage one of ascending. The mistake that happens inside some individuals is that during these awakening stages, entities, demonics and in some cases negative aliens trying to appear friendly, will derail the person's mind and start to insert thoughts around them being Jesus, or A Messiah to save all of humanity (just like the Jesus Lie) and convince them that humans are responsible for all human suffering, humans are responsible for not enough space for more humans on the earth, and believing that they cannot cope with their "real" life, after coming down from their first kundalini awakening of the heart matrix. 

It is imperative to realise, that the dimensions of time, and thus the human connections into these fields, of the planetary body and realms, open out into the higher sensory perceptions but to survive this process, astral trickery and false beliefs such as the blissed out spiritually enlightened perfected human - must be avoided. Give these a wide berth and do your personal best to unhook from these grandiouse beliefs about spiritual awakening and enlightenment. There are personal lessons each person has come to learn on the earth, and the derailment forces of this nature, will push and speak silently and quietly whisper suggestions into your mind to pull you into the antichrist's web of desire, powers, riches, wealth and to generate disgust towards fellow humans. This type of thoughtforming pattern is generated as direct mind control, to split apart your own consciousness by elating yourself above all others, and this is a mistake. The spiritual process of embodying one's soul is entering the shadow, pain and looking at the pains, triggers, angers, wounds and abuses you may have directly faced. This is the way that the painbody shadow and personality including the negative ego will become eventually less in control over the mind. 

If we understand that the ego is a construct which was installed to the earth grids, and thus it exists also in a human spiritual anatomy, this structure can be seen and read by the christos families who came here into the earth to deconstruct its power, to re-educate humanity about its problematic perception control, and to help each other feel and know the truth about human history. 

There is not one Messiah, this is a god complex of serious high risk nature, and is backed by most of the demonic hierarchies stemming from the antichrist powerforces, to generate an awakening person into being forceful, idolised, self-stated as perfected, and to exalt the person into their own powerful pedestal. This pattern has been mentally used to create many false Jesus re-incarnational identities, in which the person digresses further and further into their own mental body being controlled, cajoled and tortured by the demonic hierarchy running the show behind the scenes. 

In most cases, the Hero-Saviorism programming is also a trap system. We see this when a person starts to learn about their own spiritual gifts, such as dreaming of the future, or learning a healing modality. It is imperative that the person understand that their personal awakening is learning about human energy fields, how this works inside the self, and it is not to be superimposed upon others in an attempt to "heal" others. As this is a very common mistake, it generates the helplessness in others who are very wounded and will not face up to taking responsibility for their own life and their own healing. This pattern must be understood as it is a vampiric siphoning which in some cases, will push the person into actual demonic fighting, spiritual battles with the antichrists and attaining some level of spiritual ego at the cost of continuing to exist in a sense of inner violence. The soul of our human bodies was not designed to be in battle with any thing or anyone, and yet, this unlearning process due to negative ego defenses, or self protections must be healed in the heart to become freed of this patterning. 

Spiritual Enlightenment, Spiritual Bliss and Emotional Bypassing

Some of the texts teachers and those in positions of power in a spiritual position have stated that to become enlightened many different things should be met, or a repeated attempt to astrally project out from the body or to become entirely as a blissed out person. Others have tried to embody divine perfectionisms by following dogmatic doctrines, or by being the recipients of "spiritual activations, spiritual attunements" with the hope or desire of immediately becoming resolved and absolved of all suffering, to be remade into god's perfect light. These beliefs are laden with spiritual ego traps, and in many cases, the manipulations in this type of issue are self-empowered when a person has not looked at their own pain body or shadow, and instead believes they are already a spiritual master in a body. The true sense of spiritual mastery comes from understanding that all of us, all humans, starseeds, indigos, all humans upon this earth will have to become accountable for their own behaviours, how we treat others and how we treat ourselves is accountable. Unfortunately some spiritual texts and teachings have become infiltrated with not-entire-truths, but sound good, yet, they have been embedded with a form of Luciferian type of non-emotional and false neutral type of consciousness trap. These can be difficult to determine, especially for those in a more mentally intelligent type of characteristic, where hierarchy or self-appraisal has come at the hands of being intellectually proud rather than understanding the emotional intelligence of the heart. In some, the patterns of the false father's or false mothers intellectual prowess or power is used as a form of defence, justification and isn't allowing a truthful personal emotional experience of the divine. The mental body of the human lightbody exists as multiple dimensions and planes of horizontal fields of informations, and these exist inside the human aura, and connect to the planetary body. In stages of spiritual awakening, it is best to be who you are, do your best to be kind and not over-think or attempt to achieve enlightenment. Enlightenment has been abused and infiltrated by a series of False Ascension Matrix energies, in order to see or know these deceptions is to try and bring self-determination and self-assessment to personal resonance in contact with teachings, people, leaders, and relationship to yourself. 

All spiritual ascensioning requires to know thyself very deeply, this process must not be shied away from, going within, going within, going within and facing your own inner thoughts, beliefs and life review will happen when you are dedicated to becoming a kinder human. This kindness must be directed to the internal self, and the outer people in life, without any kind of askance for expected return. This is learning about the truth of unconditional love, not the false unconditional love which has been set into the mental intelligences of the Luciferian Abyss. The Luciferian Abyss is a field of energy in the 5th dimension, and is filled with false white light bliss and mental intellectuality - which is this is not understood, the person will gain a form of neutrality, but will retain a form of superiority and judgement towards others. There is no compassion inside the Luciferian Abyss, as it is not the christ light, it is a false parent type of false godhead experience. Most people on the ascension path suffer with not understanding this premise, and must look inside the self, not avoiding the pain or the shadow in order to see the weakness and vulnerability which has been covered over or defended by the ego. Those who develop unconditional loving compassion without judgement and work to see the gift of life within their own life, will be helped by the Mother of God, The Holy Mother Aquamarine Ray, as she is the first connection to God Source that all humans must make, in order to become healed. 

Service to Self

The Service to Self is a self-serving selfishness type of boosting of the ego mind, and does not lead to spiritual freedom, emotional healing or kindness and understanding. Some have come into the planetary body in order to have some of this as an experience, to see the polarities at play within these very archetypes, and if they can see through this type of bi-wave polarity of addiction or consumptive modelling which requires a repeated self-ego boosting behaviour; can be freed to see through these patterns and disconnect themselves from them during the ascension. 

Service to Godsource is service to others

One who wishes to become enlightened in a sacred divine connection with godsource, from inside their own body, will dedicate themselves to understanding and knowing the true nature of god, the kindness, benevolence and the virtues of the christos, which were the original divine mind of god inside the earth which all humans expressed, pre-fallen timelines. This deepest truth is felt and known by ALL humanity, where they are willing to look at ego defenses, judgements, narcissistic (Enki) and controlling nature within themselves. However, this must be a progressive personal healing to see where these archetypes of manipulation have been used to control that person's consciousness in the opposite direction, away from becoming actually authentically at one with god. 

On this earth, the spiritual ascension is the pathway to becoming more at peace with self, and understanding the virtues of god, whilst living your daily life on the earth. There is no such thing as immediately enlightened, such as receiving a thunderbolt from the godhead who chose you as a special master above all others: this is a mind controlling lie set into the planet in order to stop spiritual progressions, and to revert the person into the ego once more. Enlightenment, truthful kindness, absolute neutrality without any judgement upon others, a truthteller without lies, and being humbled by ones own existence are some of the attributes of becoming enlightened or at one with god. This is a progressive stage of spiritual body building, through the different dimensions inside the time matrix, and cannot be fast tracked by determination, suffering, martyrisms or by a wounded pained triggerable pain body. Where pain and suffering has been experienced, one can rise through this process by observing, witnessing the pain you have suffered and experienced, and ask for the loving kindness and compassion of godsource, or the christ, to support you in understanding. True healing comes from within.