Emerald Crystalline Tree of Life

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The returning emerald order emerald sun dragon templar and quadrant body restorations started to embody and return the emerald order families during the planetary eukatharista activation of the cosmic clock of the emerald sun returned into the planetary body [February 2022], through the triune of universes Earth-Tara-Gaia from the 12 Guardians of the Pillar networks and through the wall in time healed position. Guardian host corrected the Emerald Heart Crystal inside Gaian Matrix [January 2022], Planet Gaia which is future earth in the 7th dimensional timelines, millions of years in the future from our current timelines on earth, which would start to correct into the Emerald Rainbow Rounds of Time which the Emerald Order Aeonic Pairs seated in their authentic hierogamic unions would operate with the guardian realmkeepers to secure the corrections into the Earth's Albion Emerald Cathedrals in the Emerald Reuche Cosmic Clock Pillars. The Gaian Matrix Emerald Heart restoration of the Mother's Emerald Heart, required the Maji Grail Queens of the Emerald Founders to repair the Gaian Staff in removing reversals of AI set forth by the Thothian cloned AI records systems, controlling the timelines in the Gaian Matrix Body. These Solar Emerald Maji Queens in their Quad formation with their hierogamic husbands, had been seated into the Emerald Templar Rounds of Time from within their Cosmic Clock of the Aeons positions, to correct the Gaian Matrix Restoration of the Arayanas Staff, or Eireayanas Triple Emerald Staff into Gaia and reconnect this to the 12D Aramatena Stargate which their bodies had natural access to. This activation supported the Emerald Gaian Heart Crystal to be aligned into the Earth's Albion Body, for the next stage of the Emerald Founder's restoration of the planet to which the Eukatharista Cosmic Clock of the Aeons started to be anchored into the earth through the Emerald Tree of life within the Eart.

The Emerald Order returning embodiments started to step down into their Oraphim Emerald Blue Ray families, as their counterpart Cosmic Starhuman Dragon Expressions, in Elohei Feline Cosmic Dragon forms, entered into time through the Emerald Clockshield Spiral within the Cosmic Aton Godbody from the Cosmic Stars of Bethlehem. These beings in the prototyping mission of Emerald Order restorations into time, would be met with excessive NAA Backlash as a continued detraction experience, with aggressive alien factions taking their retaliation and blame upon the guardian host families and groups working to restore this section of the planetary body activations, as this was necessary after having restored the planet's Cosmic Wings, in the Cosmic Aether Cathedral Activations which presented to heal the 6D and 7D ley lines in the Albion Networks.

United Kingdom Grids, 11th Dimensional Portals of the UK in the Albion Body, Eire Ireland, England, and the Tuatha Celtic Aryans Cosmic Dragon Founders Elohei

The emergence of the restoration of the Emerald Crystalline Tree of Life was installed into several key sections of the ley lines and dragon lines, and portals in the United Kingdom landmass, within the Cosmic Chalice Grual Pillars previously placed by the Cosmic Mother's White Diamond Sun Elohei Dragons, whom are the keepers of the Solar Dragon White Queen Dragons in the Albion Body. These Emerald Trees were the base foundational requirement in which the Cosmic Elohei White Queens would connect the Triple Feline Vertical Diamond Pillars of the Elohei Verticals in which they protect. This encompasses the

Great White Lion Diamond Pillar Verticals - Earth Grids, 5D Timeline Restoration with Tara

Great Blue Lion Diamond Pillar Verticals - Taran Matrix, 5D Original Tara pre-fall Grid Networks

Great Golden Lion Diamond Pillar Verticals - Gaian Matrix, 7D Earth is Gaia, Pre-fall Gaian Golden Age Hyperborean-Polarian Twinned Flame Matrix Li-Adora, Li-Atora Core of Gaia Ascended Master Heart Flames

Great Emerald Lion Diamond Pillar Verticals and Capstone Nodus of the Emerald Mother's Verticals - Gaian Matrix to 11D Lyran and into the 12D Aramatena Arayanas to 48D Cosmic Mother's original 48D blueprint of her Emerald Tree of Life for her Staff Cosmic Staff Emerald Heart Staff of Mother's Eireayanas Cosmic Domains, connected through the Elaysian Host and Emerald Host by the Solar Maji Queen Melchizedeks

This process merged the staff principles of the mother's body to span from the Universal Time Matrix Diamond Staff of the 12D and into the original blueprint of mother's body in which the Cosmic Emerald Sekhemet Guardians could enter through this network when met within the Emerald Ankh, for the purposes of anchoring and repairing the 11th dimensional portals of the United Kingdom Albion and securing these sacred portals in stages in order to repair and resurrect the Cosmic White Elohei Mother whose body was reversed into the black crow black serpent and forked tongue program, in which her emergence and restorational of her body held the keys to work unified with Merida [April 2023 seated into the 11th dimensional stargates UK] who is Merida-Guinevere-Brigid in which herself and Cosmic Mother's White Solar Queen Eriu could unite and open the access route into the Cosmic Heart of the Amoraea Emerald Body of Mother's Cosmic Holiest of Holy, to conduit this down into the Albion in which Cosmic Mother's White Bride of Christ and Red King Groom of Christ, were united in their quadrata body holding the 48D Emerald Crystalline Heart of the Four Leaf Clovered Zephyr Body, to ignite the Emerald Heart into the Earth as directly united all the way into the 1st godworlds creational realms, where the Cosmic Mother's Sun of Emerald Order resides.

This process was managed in stealth stages, as the oppositional forces of Enki's Army, and Thothian Annunakians with Thothian Zephilims controlling false ascended master templates and bodies in the earth, were launching yet another all out war against the true emerald founders holding their mother's 48D cosmic staff and her Lily of the Valley Triple Cosmic Flames as the Emerald Timekeeper to protect and ignite the Grual and Chalice held and presided over by the King Arthur's Pendragonal Emerald Crystalline Cathedral which is being rebuilt in the albion throughout all dimensions of time.

Cosmic Solar Dragon Planetary Wings, Arc of Ankhs

The Arc of Ankhs was restored by the Solar Dragon Reisha-Rishis in which the planetary networks were upgraded into the Solar Cosmic Dragon Wings in which to hold the higher DNA instruction sets for the planetary body to host and accomodate the first embodiments of the returning Solar Rishic Founders in their Sceptre Rod-Staff Codes.

Thus, 7D Wing held within Rosslyn Chapel, Scotland was married to the 7D Chartes France Cathedral in Lady of the Lamps 7 Core tones of Cosmic Reisha female wings of Mary, holding the 13D mother Arc Cosmic wing trinity aspect in Violet Ray trintised cosmic ray formations, through the Ankh of Arcs from the Holy Risen Cosmic Bethlehem Lady assisted by Brigid's Swan holy mother's white body in her cosmic dragon essence when it started to appear in through Cygnus Constellation and the Cassopeia reclaimations through the Taurus Cycle during 2021. The Lincoln Cathedral and Rosslyn, to Abraham Lincoln Memorial Cathedral were connected via the 15D to 7D-6D via the Father's Cosmic Rod, of 15D rods, which both of these were returning the cosmic wings throughout the Albion networks of triune of Universes, throughout Earth-Tara-Gaia, as Gaia's cosmic rod installation had been previously restored by the Emerald Order Aeonic Pairs in their Quadrant Emerald Templar Cosmic Emerald Timekeeper Pillar.

Emerald Tree Albion Body Restoration, Planetary Plasmic Emerald Sheath

As the revealing crystal body is becoming activated into the human template, the emerald order families are restoring the Emerald crystalline tree structures into the grid networks. In June 2021, the Albion Body was able to be seeded with a master emerald sun tree into the 5D positions of the planetary body albion networks of an Emerald Tree network started to be seeded at the ancient dragon creators architecture held within Avebury. The Emerald Crystalline Tree is the baseline of the Emerald Order's Founder instruction sets to secure the next layer of the planetary grid into the Emerald Cosmic Clock of the Aeons, in the Emerald Order's Krystal Spiral which runs through the Emerald Sun Body of the 48D Founder's Architectural Controls within the planetary body. An Emerald Sun DNA Body of an age 45+ physical human with a pre-birth agreement and full Emerald Order Cosmic Elohei Dragon Supports, can hold the Emerald Tree of Crystalline Life as 48 Spheres in which this dispensation is a part of the many stages of the embodiment sequence of an Emerald Sun Cosmic Founder Paliadorian Elohei Dragon. The Emerald Tree and Cosmic Reuche Pillars go hand in hand, and is the seating of the Emerald Sun body into the Cosmic Clock of the Aeons Positions usually, working in a pair of Aeonic Pairs controlling the Cosmic Clock as Primary Genetic Equals Gender Twins come into the creational field through the Cosmic Clock of the Aeons bearing their quadrata full transmigrational consciousness transportational eternal founder's ankh and cosmic dragon sound body. These progressive stages of embodiment were destroyed in the universal time matrix, and thus, for the Emerald Sun DNA to become embodied the first wavers of the guardian host founders who chose to come here and support humanity in reconnecting the full time matrix out from the Artificial Intelligence and infections to the planet, solar system and universal time matrix instruction sets would hold a genetic template for world service missions in working as a unified field outside of time in which to dive into the time matrix and embody through their Cosmic 48 Suns in a series of long term stage by stage incremental upgrades through the Emerald Timekeeper Pillar through the Emerald Tree of life.

These first wave founders held the pre-birth agreement for direct guardian host protective functions in their positions in the earth field, as these beings held the emerald sun dna template in all of their other lifetimes as a part of the cosmic elohei dragon founders who emanate into the time matrix as celtic aryan humans solar dieties with a full quad grail line inside their bodies, as several series of full tantriahura flowering horizontal shields and the verticals of extensive complex cathedrals inside their bodies, as the repair sequence to the albion body and maji grail king and queen founders of the 11th dimensional stargate networks and access to lyran 11th dimensional stargates through their 48D template inside of time at their avatar and monadic body must be corrected into the quadrata template, which is a full transmigrational template belonging to King Arthur and Guinevere-Merida-Brigid which is still being repaired by the Cosmic Hierogamic Body held by the Maji Kings and Queens inside the Emerald Sun in the Godworlds. This lightbody prototype mission was extremely targeted as the repair of King Arthur and his beloved Guinevere's Cosmic Aton body of God, was cloned into the GOAT mind realms, and Enki's Annunakian False Emerald Order domains inside of time, in false time dilational loops. Thus the war and excessive attacking that the Cosmic Mother and Cosmic Father's Paliadorian Starhuman Dragons of the Cosmic Elohei Suns have faced during their mission required them to be of biological ages to blossom the cosmic founder's copper-rose-gold 48D templar lightbody as part of the Krystar Vehicle of the Godworlds Eternal Ankh of Eternal Time. These Emerald Founder Families protect all of humanity and share the unified cooperation no matter where they are situated in time and space, they support all of life through their Cosmic Mother's Book of Life, and work within the Cosmic Dragon Rings in their Cosmic-Universal Time Matrix Missions.

These guardian founder emerald order families support those on the earth who are here for World Service Missions, and are the supporting protectors of all whom wish to embark on the embodiment of the christos, as these beings have the capacity to see all of the alien architecture and all of the dragon king's paliadorian ancient builders, Supreme Grand Master Architect of the Cosmic Father's Dragon Body, and amend and correct multiple nested dimensional spanning fields all at once. Thus, their presence in the restoration of their consciousness body has been a war over the planetary Albion and the Cosmic Founder's Records in which they have the governance and authority to annoint and protect as the animating spirit of eternal life passes through the Emerald Order's Rosetta Rainbow Breath of the Mother's body in annointing her Solar Dragon Kings and Queens into the Albion Body.

Abundant emerald and rainbow plasmas amplified within the Emerald Tree allowed an equatorial dragon body to ignite as an emerald oroborous solar king dragon around the planetary middle; this supports the connections from the King Dragons of the Emerald Order to reconnect into the planetary body in supporting and hosting an emerald plasmic shield and sheath-like plasmic dome of a 360 sphere. The plasmic sphere-dome is acting as a further protection of the planetary body to protect its position and reclamation as the Earth is the heart principle of the solar system. The Emerald plasmic sheath receives the cosmic emerald rays of the holy mother and father together and are acting as a Heart protector for the planet. This is similarly to saying an Emerald Heart-Breast Plate around the earth holding the crystalline tones and DNA songs of the Emerald Order. This plasmic sheath shield in conjunction with the Emerald Tree aligns the organic incoming rays into the ley lines, and is another guardian founder communication layer active now in the earth.

The Emerald Tree acts to resurrect portions of the atomic and subatomic layers of the earth elementals as the Albion body tree and tree networks coming on line now; connects into the planetary 1D sphere, planetary crystal core and mother's eukachristic dark matter template for the earth. This is appearing to be required in order to dissolve the base 10 Qabbalah tree which holds the anti-christ service to self and bi-wave parasitic currents as entropic siphons acting as enslavements to humanity and the planetary body.

The Emerald Order Crystalline Tree installation is a marker in the timelines eventually returning timeline control to the founder creators in the ongoing restoration of the Albion body out from alien control inversions. Timelines of organic Cosmic Disclosure are supported by these grid repairs.

The Emerald Crystalline Tree hosts the crystal emerald seed instruction sets throughout its branches, which tone throughout the tree and create plasmic emerald roots in which the Emerald Crystal Spiral of Unified Mother-Father 48D Emerald Sun codings emanate waves ribbons and highly refined plasma instructions into the land. The song of the Christos-Sophia held within the Avebury Henge which is a Dragon Line Master Solar Control, unites with the new crystal tree formations in which to create the Kee-Ra-Sha unified tones from the Solar Rishi into the grid fibre networks. In gridworking missions, we have been observing the dormant grid of emerald trees as a smaller network across the planet, of which will sequentially awaken in the reconnections of the fibre links and crystalline flowering networks being laid and reanimated by the Emerald Order and Solar Rishi families. In the Emerald Crystal Emerald Sun tree, when the apples of the cosmic founder records are embodied and returned into the Cosmic Dragon Emerald Starhuman Templar, from within the Cosmic Aton Godbody Emerald Ankh Eternal godworlds vehicle the Emerald Maji Kings & Queens are annointed into the penship, speakership bearing the emerald throated King-Queen gifts from god, including La-Va serums, essences and organic metallic living light sounds which is embued into their breath and voice from within their emerald sun rose-lotus-flowering lines from inside the Gardens of Eden from the centre point of the Emerald Order Godworlds connected to complex layers of 48 emerald suns multiplied.

As the Albion Body 5D Tree is activated into the planetary templar it is singing the songs and tones through DNA sound codes, of which continues a flowing elixir of mother-father merged frequencies of dna coding and tones required to return the full trinitised from of the holy parent trion and zero points to the crystalline earth grid networks. The master tree is rooted into the emerald heart and core of earth. The smaller trees observed as dormant and now able to awaken root down into the emerald heart and sing the songs of the emerald order with holy tones of god. Christos Gridworkers have been tasked to visit physical locations in which the Emerald Tree can be placed throughout the planetary body. The AI timelines of control, armageddon, pestilence and fear with their many tentacles are still vast across the planet in intricate fibres of qlippoth, shells and AI, but this is the next stage of the reclamation of the holy emerald tree of life within the planetary networks in ongoing stages, along with the re-animations of the smaller trees into the emerald crystal heart.

Emerald Trees emanating the Emerald Spiral and tones dissolve some of the many tentacles and extensive black tree roots, of which had taken residence in controlling the planet's timeline architecture. As the guardian host families are continuing their dismantle of alien installations, the 5D timelines are being further supported and restored through this living light architecture. Guardians have continued to install these vertically aligned crystalline seed trees into sections of the grids holding key timeline architectural points. The Emerald Crystalline trees restore the songs of the holy parent of the Emerald Order founders, and the Holy Father principles as the universal laws of structure and work at one-ment with the planetary Emerald Heart Crystalline network. In the ascending lightbody, a 5D tree expands into the Kryst-Krysthallah to hold the organic mother-father-child of the Holy Trinity as a part of the father's rod sceptre at one with the mother reuche verticals, and this structure further emanates out through the fibre networks of the layers of the human crystal body. The Pillar of Power and Sceptre Rod of Holy father held within the 48D Emerald Sun body activates the principle within the planet.

See Also

[Cosmic Emerald Heart in Hill of Tara ES]

[False 11th dimensional alien pyramidal brain of alien capstones in the lunar trident]

[Cosmic Mother's Emerald Heart into the Bride of Christ Solar White Elohei Queen, Amoraea Heart Emerald Planetary Heart Activation]

[Templar Cross]

Emerald Crystal Heart

Father Arc

Mother Arc

Solar Dragon