Category:God Source

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The Organic Structures within the matter realms in the earth, and our entire creation are the creator's body made manifest through a series of extensive detailed blueprints, and light-sound which birthed forth the stars, the planets and the human and animal kingdoms through the Solar Rishi - Reisha Eye of God, into the time matrix. These structures are being repaired and reconnected after extensive movement of humanity being flung into the Dark Aeon of time, whereby several antichrist structures and their evils of crimes against humanity had remained hidden until the Mother Arc Blue Aquamarine Ray could ignite once more to start the ascension of 2012 and Beyond, Ascension plan B, which led to the Rise of the Paliadorian Solar Dragons awakening in the earth, and the Cosmic Dragon Awakening we are living through now. Thus, the entires listed here as God Source are the organic matter and structures which belong to the godhead's technology of silicate diamond sun creations, these hold and transmit, circulate and return the feedback loop coming through from the Cosmic Godworlds Domains, through the Universal Solar Rishi-Reisha Domains and down into the matter realms including the restoration of return to anew- returning to the Cosmic Mother & Father in this restoration of the New Aeon of the Christos-Sophia of God.