William Wallace Celtic Maji Grail King

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William Wallace, Amethyst Order Rha Godworlds Celtic Maji Grail King, Solar Dragon King

Energetic placeholding, to share recent gridworking related to the Timeline of William Wallace. His body is holding part of the michael-mary line within the UK landmass, as a solomon rod holder from the Christos red rose blood holders of the Solomon families; but is also seemingly synonymous with the ley lines and male-female of the albion male female cathar body. He was an 11th tribal realm keeper similarly as King Arthur. His body parts were held in Wesadrac and Omadek fallen matrices and were recovered by guardians this week. He presents as a red haired highlander, with a round shield and claymore sword. His outside of time risen aspect has been showing up with us from early 2016, when he was making contact in Scotland related to the Amethyst Order Rha godworlds families, the father lineages. He exists outside of time in the godworlds and reaches us through the Amethyst order, whom are supporting to restore the masculine principles within the earth and the dragon lines. He was part of the Ruby-Golden Order as Indigo Maji grail keepers and from the Royal Houses of Lyra in Aveyon.

The stone of destiny is highlighted in this return as the emerald order maji grail king throne, the solar dragon golden throne of which was being protected by the grail kings.

Copper-Silver-Gold 2D Grail Shield Solomon Planetary Rod & Mercy Upgrades - Metallurgy & Blood Purification Amplifier

Whilst on the earth he was from Ruby Order-Gold Order, and held a ruby sun DNA template. He describes his mission as similar to Akhenaton, Arthur and was attempting to hold and protect the bloodline codes from the Red rose Cathar codes of the Mother, from royal houses of Lyra-Aveyon to hold and protect the Ruby Order mother lineages from the Royal Houses of Lyra which were corrupted on the earth to comandeer and reverse the mother's body. These are another section of guardian bloodcodes, which when embodied into the triple solar female within, resurrect the blood cleansing through the embodied grail codes. With this, our container is hosting a new grail shield which has been showing up in the 2D layers as a part of the sovereign grail, as an alchemical blood-metal shield in which it is observed that the blood is cleansed through the fluids of the body, particularly the sexual fluids and this dissolves all quantum entanglement with any other DNA. As we know the female organs absorb any spermal fluid and DNA into the female body of which this grail shield seems to be removing all previous impactions, all foreign DNA in body fluids. This is another revealing of the restoration of the organic christic blood codes. It appears as a silver chalice, with golden and rose-gold coppery alchemical mixing for the supporting of the receiving of the silver-golden godworlds Azoth frequencies into the family of Michael and Albion body held within the planetary body as the dragon lines. This corrects another section of the Azoth frequencies into the Albion body, to hold the gateway from the silver gate of man through into the Golden gate of man as the alignment for his section of the michael ley line.

Although he was an incarnate identity as a man on the earth, his body represents another section of healing support for the albion-cathar, as it is highlighting a section of the family of Michael Realm keepers, of the protector of the 11D rod-staff, or the 11:11 codes. His body has been restored into the organic 12:12 to the 13:13 of the mother, in which the red rose cathar coding can rise into its trinitised triple goddess coding format, which is building in the albion body right now.

The code of the ruby nile is felt as the organic tesseract being restored through multiplication in the grail as a part of this reveal. This is symbolic for the reversals of the catholic ceremonies of the "wafer and wine" in the catholic eukarist ceremonies. Apparently his incarnate body was bled out in blood sacrifice in so that the dracs would drink the blood to gain access to the codes. His body parts were reclaimed by guardian gridworking whom could locate his body parts strewn across the time matrix and into fallen wesa and black star abaddon. This returning grail shield protects the blood of christos lineages on the earth.

Spear of Destiny, Blood Cleansing, Spleen

During the guardian 2021 Planetary 12 Week Emancipation project, when the Oslo antichrist pillar was dismantled from the lunar force yahweh and dark mother at the Yggdrasil portal; the spear of destiny crux implant was removed from the planetary architecture which is influencing the spleen in the human body. When this occurred, the blood coding for the christos families was returned out from that area of the land, and this was felt in the body as deep feverishness, extreme heat and tenderness in the bones and flesh felt bruised all over. With the returning red rose cathar blood codes, these are flushing out quantum entanglement in the sexual organs, clearing sexual misery and supporting the integration of the next stages of these mother's cathar codes. This is the repairing of the organic cathar and blood clearings for the next stages of the spiritualisation of the blood through the spleen.

As the body parts are being returned now from the William Wallace timeline, please take good care if/when these are processed out in divine timing. The bloodshed in that timeline brings up some real coppery tasting feelings and nausea in the body, but the good news is the body parts are returning and restoring the organic cathar mother's coding to the Albion. His task was to preserve and defend the grail blood codes of the christos held in the mother lineages ruby-golden and mother's cathar for the Royal Houses in Lyra, Aveyon, as part of the indigo ruby order grail line holders and protectors.