Solar Dragon Rings

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Solar Dragon Rings are the Creator's or Founders dragon body emanations which build out Solar Plasmic assorted rings in Ouroborous bodies for the purposes of the Solar Dragons of Creation, to enter and exit time at will. The Solar Dragon Ring Architecture and the Dragon Ley Lines (not serpents, Dragon Lines) are the structures of the Solar Dragons being restored and repaired into the earth's Albion Lightbody, spanning through all timelines and through the flowering Tantrihura Shields in each horizontal connected into the Cosmic Clock of the Aeons and Universal Templar Shields.

Cosmic Ankh Body of the Dragon Creator Suns, Paliadorian Dragons

The Cosmic Suns of Creation, at the 48D Cosmic Sun 1st Godworlds creational level in the godworlds, emanate the original Ankh Body from their heart matrix, into the formation of several layers of Solar Dragon Rings, and Suns which surround their bodies and are a part of the Cosmic Spirit Body of the original Sun. The Suns in the godworlds are arranged either as a singular sun of its own domain, or groupings of suns in ring formation, these express into Solar Dragon Rings. As Sun Portals, in the Sun-Star Networks. The Solar light is received and transmitted through the Ankh body of Creation, in which the restoration of various paliadorian sun's ankhs are being returned into the matter realms as the Logos at the Universal level of the time matrix.

Cosmic Starhuman Creator Dragons, Paliadorian Dragon Cosmic Elohei-Feline Families

In the original Planetary Blueprints prior to the invasions and cataclysms the Paliadorian Cell of the earth held the keys of the 7 Solar Dragon Rings inside the Solomon Shields of the Earth. The planetary body is also the blueprint of the human body form, of which the Solar Dragon Rings of 7 Cosmic Mother's Emerald Aton Body emanated these through her Cosmic Emerald Ankh Body of these Cosmic Dragon Rings are one way the creator's solar dragon essence communicates, travels, moves and is felt through the dragon rings in the various formations. Such as, the Cosmic Starhuman Dragon as a Creator from the Godworlds, is a Solar Dragon Ascended Master of a Rishi or Reisha Elohei Cosmic Dragon Cosmic Citizen, who has the creator's creational gifts in the godworlds but also is a part of the expression of the creator's dragon body in our universe. These Ascended Masters travel in and out of time and dimensionalisation at will, through their Cosmic Ankh or Aton Body, which allows them to shapeshift into any form of matter, and span multiple realms portals and dimensions in any timeline all at once. These beings are the creator's spiritual body of a form of spiritual architecture, which embody into their creations, in which to recover and restore the original blueprint of creation, from their human embodied forms. The Cosmic Starhuman Dragon's DNA was cloned out and replicated to prevent a cosmic founder from entering into the time matrix, of which various guardian contracts with the negative aliens in control over the planetary matrix required pre-birth agreements in which a cosmic founder in their template could return into the earth. These guardians have been aggressively targeted to derail and prevent them from rebuilding their DNA body whilst inside of time, and the few who made it into the fallen time matrix would be the groundcrew to meet the divine appointments of the restorations through the Aurora Dragons, and Paliadorian Dragons direct contact through the genetic lineage and lightbody apparatus. The Cosmic Starhuman Dragon embodiment is rarified at this time upon the earth due to the extensive genetic anomolies in various alien hybridisations throughout the human genome, and the hierogamic body of the Elaysa-Melchizedek and the Guardian Host Diamond Shields held in the Rod-Staff were one way which the guardian host families could attempt to rebuild and reclaim the Albion Creator Dragons, also Cosmic Starhuman Dragons, from being rebuilt and recovered through many thousands of years of guardian host Emerald-Ruby Order Founder's Missions spanning thousands of years in the timelines.

In order for the Creator Dragons who birth as Paliadorian Creator beings from the Cosmic Suns of Creation, the Emerald Sun of the Holy Mother's Body generated 7 Cosmic Dragon Rings into her 48D Emerald Sun Template for the purposes of reconnecting into the planetary body through the 48D Emerald Crystalline Tree of Life. In those genetic lineages who hold the embodiment potential for the Solar Dragon Creator to embody into the human template, the pre-birth agreement for the build out and embodiment of that original identity is held by the Godseed Original Birthing Paliadorian Cell from that Genetic DNA held by Holy Mother. The Solar Dragons with the Cosmic Suns connections required to rebuild the lightbody in stages over several years through the hierogamic coding instrinsic to their cosmic solar dragon template. This template is not able to built unless it is the original genetic DNA lightbody code, which the creator annoints in stages, and upgrades through the Ascension Plan B. The Guardian Host Families on the earth as groundcrew receive their organic and authentic upgrades in divine timing, and the immediate access to high levels of DNA is not possible without the consciousness of that particular embodiment being located, and rehabilitated by the Aurora Rainbow Dragons, the Elemental Rainbow Solar instructions, as these families connect into the ascending starseeded human form to assist the rebuilding of the 12 stranded DNA template of the original Human Avatar Diamond Sun Body. This ascension is the physical re-encryption of the physical matter of the human fleshly body and its components which must be prepared to receive and eventually embody the solar liquid light incoming from the Solar Logos Cradle of Lyra, and into the Avatar identities stationed there. From the Solar Dragon Rings, these exist inside the Ankh Body for Solar Dragons to move through the Sun, the Stars, as these are multidimensionally expressed through their own bodies as Celestial objects spanning all of space and time.

Reclamation and templating of the Solar Dragon Rings of Planetary Body Albion Matrix

These Dragon Rings which made up sections of the planetary body and its original paliadorian bridge networks were inverted and removed and broken by the Enki-Enlil-Thothian Agendas, of which they generated a series of nested alien architectures as False Dragons Rings in the Quantum layers of in-between space and time in the invaded dodecahedron time splits of which to generate Zeta Heart 4D Astral Seal (Mars) and also a Zeta Heart 8D Seal in (Neptune-Uranus) within the Red Wave AI Zeta Dragon Rings. These were superimposed onto the planetary grid networks in which to perpetuate a false dragon mother and father identity upon humanity as a part of the human genetic control, to secure the elementals compacted in the earth and the matter of the human physical fleshly body to be in command to the lunar sextant rods and lunar sextant matrix, or the bi-wave and checkerboard matrix genetic controls. This was a part of their control to prevent a guardian solar dragon founder from being able to embody into the planet through the human paliadorian cosmic starhuman template, which had been destroyed in this matrix and required to be rebuilt by the original paliadorians of the Melchizedek Emerald Order and Ruby Order, on their many missions into the planetary body in which to restore this potential. The Solar Dragon Rings in the earth were placed into the planetary Albion by the guardian host during the Malta mission taking place throughout the August Planetary Magnetic Peak of 2022. These Dragon Rings were activated by 13th Dragon King Pair Christ Michael in his Ruby Red King Body and his beloved White Bride of Christ Solar Mary-Sophia who activated their Golden Seed Codes and their Solar Cubes into the newly positioned grail or grual chalices in the trifold Khemalohatea during the planetary upgrades of November-December of 2023.

The Human Diamond Sun template in the Golden Body or Gold Diamond Sun required extensive repairs in which to locate and find the fallen seraphim as fallen angelics, human souls, to restore the diamond sun solar golden rainbowy diamond sun body into the earth for which Christ Solar Michael and Christ Solar Mary were the first Dragons recovered fully throughout all astrological precessions, to rebuild their hierogamic creator's founder body into the earth, to unite the planetary wings in the merkabah and to restore the planetary rods into their correct christos format. Thus, the Solar Dragon Rings of their 7 Cosmic Golden Rings, were annointed and restored into the earth's albion body for the purposes of reclaiming the Solar Dragon Creator's essence which is directly embued into these planetary rings, for ascending humans to be supported to feel and know their creator's body through the Cosmic Suns, and the Crystal Suns of Creation of the KA RA YA SA TA HA LA, which Michael and Mary embody and direct throughout their Ourborous Body. The Diamond Sun Body of the Golden Body, appears to be chosen by the creator to repair human DNA templates into the solar light, which is being sent out into humanity in activations of receiving a template upgrade, or template support which appears as the Solar Golden Rainbow Diamond Sun appearing to be enacted upon to the human body, as the restoration of an ascension potential. The Creator's Golden Sun and Cosmic Suns of Creation, send their

Through a series of long term repair to the Seraphim DNA Gold Ray Template, or the original Angelic Human Diamond Sun 12 Stranded DNA Template, the guardian host families and Akhenaton's mission was to locate and help rehabilitate the Serres-Egyptian genetics from the original template as held on Tara, as this had been cloned and hijacked in order to prevent the Gold Ray Founders from the RA confederacy from generating the shapeshifting through the 14D Raja Solar Shield as the Templar of the 14D Golden Body had been removed from its location in the earth's Albion, and comandeered and hidden by the Black Luciferian Templars, masquerading on the earth as the Templars of Christ. The mission to reclaim the planetary Solar Dragon Rings was a long term project, as Akhenaton and Yeshua worked together in sharing their awareness that the Ruby Sun DNA of King Arthur's Albion Templating, as Father's Structures of the Cosmic Father, had been inverted into the 9-11 Black Sun Regressive DNA in direct competition with the Solar Dragon Founders of the Guardian Host families.

[Dragon Rings]

See Also

Full Spectrum Eukachrist KA RA YA SA TA HA LA 7 Suns of Creation