Personality Matrix

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The lower chakra centres, or first 3 frequency dimensional bands make up the personality matrix in the human lightbody energy system. The human lightbody receives ray frequencies from the universe, red for root, orange for sacral and yellow for solar plexus. These energy centres house the 'personality' characteristics, and may also be referenced as the ego. The ego is termed by guardian teams as a program or lens by which the consciousness runs within the parameters of. The ego can contain illusions, programs of negativity and other behavioural thought forms which influence and lock down the consciousness into believing it is mortal.

  • 1st dimension - subconscious mind - instinctual responses, fight or flight, negative ego victim victimiser
  • 2nd dimension - emotional processings, desires - sexual misery distortions
  • 3rd dimension - conscious mind, will centre and programmed belief systems - predator/armageddon, material values in the physical world

The ego construct has been manipulated and installed with negative programming, which humans have been subjected to, over and over again. These separation programs effectively lock the mind into believing certain streams of information, such as divisions in humanity through religion, violence, and hatred. Viewing of planetary and human architecture show that the programs exist as energies and can be removed from the human experience, this is part of the ascension plan - to be free from lower forms of negative programming to further embody higher, purer consciousness streams into the body, thus releasing forms of pain and suffering.

When a person is dedicated on the spiritual path, the ego begins to dissolve and corrective ray frequencies can be received by the energy centres. Through stages of ascension, the ego must be released in order to feel tangibly, the eternal consciousness of inner marriage with source as free as an eternal god-spirit trinity wave, residing in a human form. For each person to take responsibility for their energy, reactions, responses and behaviours and through internal inquiry without judgement, the ego can be dissolved in layers which allow further unity frequencies to be experienced and at-one-ment with source.

Dark Night of the Soul, Negative Shadow Body Healing

During spiritual awakening stages, the 4D heart matrix in the human heart will open out into the pain body held inside the personality or 2D sexual centres. Through the repository of energies, memories and pain held inside the spiritual layers a person will be plunged into the unknown depths of the shadow and painbody, and must understand that this lunar form or shadow aspects of self, the unhealed and triggerable aspects of personality hold the key to spiritual ascension in climbing out from the pit of pain, and into the process of self-love, unconditional love. In most humans we have not been taught how to manage our emotional states, and in some cases individuals have suffered at the hands of others whom berated or judged them for emotional feelings and expressions. If we are triggered into responding through anger, pain, suffering, judgement or blaming others - this is a clear indicator that the person's level of consciousness remains unhealed and will require life lessons and self-realisation to heal out from this level of expression.

In a human with violent tendencies, the soul is fragmented and internal darkness and void must be understood to reconnect and build one's soul matrix to feel the presence of love internally and then, externally. The human soul and personality matrix has been heavily laden with many unconscious subconscious layers of fear, poverty, aspirations, control, jealousy and these subconscious programs lie within the shadow body or painbody which determine the person's actions in the lifetime on the earth. There are no free passes for actions of violence upon another, as all actions upon the earth in the body will be accountable upon passing through into the next lifetime. Humanity is learning to develop kindness, spiritual ethics and to comprehend that the nature of humanity has been distorted through pain, suffering and most of all lies about our origin and intent upon earth.

The spiritual activation stages of the personality to soul matrix layers can bring up deep suffering, cosmic rage, disappointment towards fellow humans for their actions, and also shame guilt and anger. Once a fuller context is understood about what happened to humanity upon this planet, the true histories which were stolen through planetary brain mind-wiping, we come into a connection with our soul to restore that truth and to heal the pain and shadow, the suffering that we each feel. In this ascension cycle the spiritual truth is a heart based ethical being, extracting lies, addictions and control upon others as a means to finding out the self-sovereignty and inner peacefulness that is possible within the body and within the earth.