Godseed Teardrop Tauren

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God Seed, Godseed, Teardrop, Tauren

The Cosmic Godseed is a teardrop shaped Cosmic instruction set for the Cosmic Suns in the godworlds, which the Solar Dragons of the Founder Rishi and Reisha founders returned into the time matrix through the embodiment via the Cosmic Clock of the Aeons. Their Eternal Godworlds Crystalline Body layers which exist inside the Godworlds, capacity to embody this in the Ascended Master Yanas body, to hold in sacred marriage with the godhead, to restore in the earth for ascending families under their stewardship.

The Cosmic Godseed

The Cosmic Godseed instruction set is supported in being downstepped through the Solar Rishi and Reisha in their Solar Dragon Ascended Master Rainbow Bodies, in which the planetary body restorations to the various Diamond Hearts from the Cosmic Suns of Dragon Creators in the godworlds, which emanate and are built through the receivership of the downstepped smaller teardrop shaped crystal which emerges inside the permanent seed atom to start the restorations of the original instruction sets contained with the Sun of Creation. These codes support the correct ray patterning from the 7 Higher Suns, the KA RA YA SA TA AA LA and beyond, to restore the Eukachrist body to the Diamond Sun Angelic Human templating, and help to support the building of crystal cathedrals in the same colouration of the Crystal Diamond Sun body, to return the male - female gender repatterning to the inner male-female inside the human body.

The Godseed or god seed is also referred to as the Tauren Lightbody or Cell which exists in the planetary body and also in the human lightbody as an instruction set within the higher heart or diamond crystalline heart permanent seed atom of which is visible in the 8th dimensional layers, in which the spark of god ignites and restores the organic connections of lightbearing seed codes. The Godseeds from the Cosmic level required to be restored through Kantarian Emerald Solar Dragons, which could hold this in their Dragon Hearts for humanity, in returning their Cosmic Sun's expressions and instruction sets to humanity tribes on the earth. In her timeline, Mary Magdalene held the Sapphire Teardrop instruction sets and placed this into the planetary body for her Solar Dragon Reisha families to find in this current guardian christos mission which would be required to help restore the planetary Sapphire Body and subsequent stargate corrections to the Solar Reisha triple Female Melchizedek Christ families on the earth. This was required to assist in the Alhambra Elaysian Diamond Heart restorations that took place during the guardian host rehabilitations within the planetary Mary body during stages of the planetary staff upgrades in 2018 and further reclamations of the Mother's dragon body parts as a part of the large orchestration of recon workloads of the christos gridworking families.

The Tauren or sounds like Tor-Eee-On has been damaged within the planetary body dark matter triple trimatrix layers and is being restored in the ascension cycle by the Rishi and Reisha (also known as the Yanas ascended masters from the godworlds) families of the solar dragon founders through their Emerald Ankh Bodies. The Tauren cell or point within a teardrop crystalline instructions hold the lightbody layers and structural components in which to build those body parts into the Zero point. The centre of the light cell or Tauren godseed unites the outside of time with the inside of time accesses from the diamond heart permanent seed atom of the human lightbody to unite at-one-ment with god. This supports the merging of the Dark Matter Body, the 12 tree sphere of life and the bio-spiritual links within the complex of the monadic core and nadial complex behind the heart in the spinal column.

The Albion Body Sphere 8 and higher heart complex of diamond hearts for the planetary matrix holds the instruction sets for the assorted diamond crystal heart configurations and diamond flows of the Diamond Flowerings of Rose Lines, Cathar Body and the Diamond Lotus Flowering Lines of the planet's heart matrices. These grid networks have been damaged and are being extensively repaired and reclaimed at this time as a part of the Albion Body Rising Dragons into the leylines, as the Holy Cosmic Dragon Mother and Father aspects restore the planetary circulations into the corrected christed format.