Auriga Constellation

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Auriga Star Constellation

Within the Auriga Star Constellation red cube matrices, false camelot black rounds of binding time upon the body of Merida's Dragon Lines in the United Kingdom. The Capella Star was highlighted by guardians for repair, once they could remove the false transmissions of false maji king-queen alien architectures, this structure and constellation has been used to send false star transmissions in binding the female and mother's dragon body parts within the earth, into reversals. The thubanites, and the TEE TZ red cube pantheon creatures had used this as another hide out in which to send false camelot stories into the arthurian grail lines, and to transmit various false identities down to the earth. The Auriga Star was found to be connected to the left kidney of the Merida Dragon Ouroborous Body, and required the corrections by guardians to secure planetary transmissions as they reclaimed the star of Capella within the constellation matrix.

Capella, Elaysa Cosmic Templar Rainbow Opalescent Transmission

The Capella Star transmits to the Albion Body the Elaysian Opalescent Rainbow Pastel Templar Maltese Cross Codes. Her Cosmic Sun in the Godworlds, could transmit through this star, onto the Albion Networks and into the 4-7-10D ley lines to restore her Elaysian Codes into the triple female christ staff within the earth's body in correcting her body in the earth.

[ref guardian grids hgs 2022]

[Templar Cross]