Shekinah Shakti Sunanda

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Red wave AI trident lunar rod-staff antichrist forces

As a part of the negative alien controls over the solar archetypes of the christos, the various antichrist coupling union archetypes have different seats of black scorpion queens and false maji grail kings whom are embodied in various black sun regressive templates, or appear to the spiritual neophyte as ascended masters but are holograms and thothian entities and controlled king-queen alien lunar forces in the grids and stargate networks, which have been used to prevent the true nature of the solar archetypes of the 144, 000 cosmic cubes of god's solar archetypes from being fully awakened inside the Albion body.

Many of the influences through these lunar force gestalts have been installed into the earth grids, and the local planetoids in the solar system with alien antichrist male-female false union structures. These are an assortment of transmissions of the controller archetypes in creating many false diamond sun or false hierogamic union transmissions through various constellations and planets in the time matrix. These archetypes use the bi-wave black flowerings and sexual misery patternings of addicitive bliss of the astral planes, and have dominated the male-female reversal patterns to create false unions in the earth. Some of the satanic cults use these forms to control humanity, and during the ascension cycle the nature of the true hierogamic template being restored into the earth means that the guardian host responsible for repairing the planetary architecture to the organic solar dragon cosmic couple identities, is seeing where the mother and father's body in the earth and interdimensional planes have been installed with a series of red wave false rainbow sun or false elyasa mother instructions, and black wave forces, these create couples in lunar force reversal templates which are not the true hierogamic template which must be built inside the couple who come together for spiritual healing and extractions of the manipulations placed upon human gender in male-female sexual misery.

Some of these antichrist couplings of the male and female archetypes have been installed as false identities which are placed to the patterning of being in charge as a maji king or queen upon the earth. This issue has been seen by the loving eyes of the ancient illumined eyes of the emerald founder dragons, in which a methodical extraction is underway. The archetypes of the union in a solar configuration is a stage by stage process between the couple to find locate and build their spiritual bodies together. Many on the earth in starseeded lifetimes will be sequentially corrected through their heart in honest, deep truth seeking awareness to remove implants, mind control and deceptions in order to come to terms with the mass alien manipulation around unions and building to the embodiment. In the lower timefields, many ray identities have been inverted, cloned and famous guardian identities installed to the personality matrix in which red cubes fill the ego mind and subconscious mind with the consent to be downloaded from the alien hive mind and synthetic stolen emerald founder records. The other ploy of the alien hive mind is to tell many younger starseeds of their emerald order embodiment, without having gone through the actualisation of the stages that it takes to bring that into form, and of which they have successfully created mass hypnosis in the hijacked new age using thothian mind controls, advising the masses that they are emerald order founders who are here to install their maji keys into the stargates. This form of manipulation happened because the emerald founders DNA was stolen, inverted, removed and destroyed in sections of the earth, in which because those true forms were not present in an embodied cosmic emerald order configuration, the entities could pretend to spiritual humanity awakening that they were here to save the world and lead the planet to victory.

These creatures hook the person's body into false time fields, and false constructs which appear to that spiritual neophyte as rainbow structures, but are created inside of and running vast nested holograms of false reality fields. The healing for this mass deception is being addressed during the ascension timelines, in so that the truthful soul willing to work at the negative ego deprogramming of blind spots will be supported by the guardian host families in their authentic roles upon the earth.

Lunar Force trident antihierogamic union reversals, Niburu

The lunar archetype of identities of Shekinah (Shakti) and Sunanda as a lunar trident rod-staff made in Satanic Hierarchies in lunar forces, were found as a black lunar force in Niburu, as Niburian Thothian architecture was transmitting to the earth in antihierogamic coding using Yeshua-Mary organic body parts in reversals. The alien antichrist controllers have used this archetype as an Antihierogamic trident lunar rod-staff to thwart the solar consciousnesses from being recognised and have used the identities or archetypes of Shekinah, Shakti, Shiva in their lunar baphomet and antichrist energy forms as demonic-artificial intelligence blends to create sexual misery distortions using black dragon and black alien lunar force architecture in splitting male-female energies apart.

This structure as an energetic form was discovered by guardian families retrieving body parts from Thothian Black Magic Satanic and Luciferian grids on Niburu, and was as a direct reversal to the christos mission holders upon the earth using cosmic christos body parts to transmit the distortions through the grids into the Albion body. These are connected to the 11D stonehenge stargate and Niburian connections to destroy the organic archetype of the benevolent king Arthur, and his genetic equal wife solar triple goddess Guinevere. Whilst recovering 11D rod-staff codes from Niburu guardian teams recorded the alien reversals in depth coding through the antichrist satanic pairing or alien couplings using the energy names and forms of lunar created energies. The alien cloning architecture sent out from twin flame distortions uses the architecture of the identity known as Shekinah-Sunanda but is an antichrist dna destroying sacred inner marriage of the male-female on the earth. Many false identities in this cloning architecture utilise the reincarnation of Shekinah, Shakti or Sunanda as a form of false Jesus-Mary to create twin flame alien love bites and sexual misery to ascending peoples taking on board the false identity.

This archetype must be identified in continual clearing of negative ego, as it has been used to harness distortions into the planetary grid networks and is connected to Orion, France Cathar timelines and creating the perpetuation of female lunar expressions on the earth. Hero-Saviorism is a linked theme found in this network. Closely related to the timeline of the emerald tablet when Thoth stole guardian founder CDT plate technologies to create massive quantum supercomputer traps upon the earth, to stop ascending people connecting to their monad and avatar levels and instead be implanted with red cube false artificial identities in which the Thothian Annunakis, black sun draconians would feed the person intelligence from the quantum supercomputer and mind slides of artificial control through the base 10 tree of life imposed into the earth with red tree AI distortions.

The anti-dote to these identities is to continue to build one's diamond sun template through connecting to the personal 12D platinum white ray. This highlights any thoughts of false beliefs inserted into the personality matrix. One must relinquish all identities to birth the solar christos identity inside the self, which is nameless and unique and without mind control of the false identity.

Antichrist Lunar Forces of Antihierogamic Union

Shakti Shiva Kali Sunanda forces are false rainbow alien lunar forced false mother frequency sets made from synthetic diamond rays which have stemmed from the 11D invasions in Lyra, and falsifield cloned sun bodies as Black Suns and red cubes in the trident red wave AI cloned false union identities. These archetypes are embodied into a formation of a false ascended master of inorganic non-genetic equals who have been chosen by the NAA or antichrist forces, or alien love bite technologies to confuse those in the ascending potentials to manipulate them through the psychotronic weaponry.

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