Black Crow Corvidae Grid

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Corvidae Corvida Jackdaw, Black Crow, Black Avian, Raven, Crow Black Magic Intruders Grids

The planetary Albion body and King Arthur's Emerald Dragon body were bound into reversals from alien invasions and black magician spellcasting, to reverse and control the inner Ancient Cosmic Dragon Eye of King Arthur as the Father's Christos Eye within the grid networks of the earth. The 6 Ravens or the imagery related to various royal codings, connected to the Black Raven Grids, and pillars, throughout the united kingdom, connected also to Pindar. Pindarian lunar pillars of control have been removed, and the position of territorial control over various bloodlines to repel and prevent the Celtic Maji Magi Bloodlines and 11th and 12th tribes of the Essenes being restored into the Stonehenge, Adare, Hill of Tara 11th dimensional portals, and the France 12th dimensional Mont Segur Stargate were bound into various Black Magician, false masters and Aleister Crowlian strongholds, to bind and reverse the planetary celestial energetic hierarchy of the godhead from being present, the solar dragons in the earth have been bound into various Black Crow, Black Raven, Black Avian Curses, connecting them to a series of massive Archons enslaved in Leviathan 6 pointed star pentagrams as elemental control and reversals.

During the fieldwork of the emerald order families several fatalee demonic monsters were found in various grids, holding these creatures in place with black serpents, and in the caduceus implants networks across the earth which were hiding various aspects of the father's body parts and lineages of the holy father, such as family of michael body parts. The fatalee demonics are large bodied creatures who feel utterly death like and can make the body feel sick, vomitous and breathless when in vicinity of them. Scotland's hilly munroe and loch sites such as Balmaha had a giant fatalee demon with a large Belial Creature holding various implants across the lands and into Loch Lomond.

The Carrion Crow Curse is an extension of the reversals placed into the solar female dragon's body in the albion, and of which hosts a series of Slug like slimey creatures inside the Irish and United Kingdom lands through England, Wales and Scotland, of which the restorations of the Solar Tuatha White Elohei Queens of the Albion Body are being cleared out from the alien buckyball goo alien elemental control of dodecahedrons in the grid consciousness. The experience of this is the tarry black pits of control placed to control the consciousness of earth's matter and elementals into generating a series of alien rounds of time and quantum level of supercomputer records accessible to the poison apple and lunar breath patterns of black alien butterfly archons. These are being removed by the Mother's Elohei Families in which the rehabilitation of the solar dragon reishas are continuing to be the main emerald order guardian focus. [February 2024]

Emerald Dragon Templar, Capstone - Arthur's Dragon Eye Father-Christos

Arthur's eye is the cosmic star within his pineal gland in which he aligns into his Universal to Cosmic Emerald Diamond Pillar, which unifies his emerald heart networks throughout the planetary, to galactic-universal, to cosmic hearts in which he holds and opens the emerald capstone activations leading into the higher godworlds and planetary emerald spiral from within his cosmic clock of the aeons for the entire planet.

Guardian Cosmic Elohei families from the Emerald Order races extracted the Corvidus network controls from Arthur's Ancient Dragon eye from within the Stonehenge 11D Stargate networks to restore his Starry Crown in the Christos-Sophia Cosmic Couple Starry Night Emerald Crown he shares with his wife Guinevere. This alignment is an intrinsic piece of their recovery of their Emerald Houses of Hierogamic Union, in which their unification within the Temple of Solomon from Coppery-Emerald Ankh Eternal Aton Godbody is underway.

11D Stonehenge Stargate

The Stonehenge Stargate has been filled with alien machinery of vast proportions and has been an ongoing issue in the reclamation of the stargate out from negative aliens and galactic federation false ascension controls. The stargate was reclaimed and locked under Emerald Order control with the returning of the Cosmic Elohei with their Cosmic Rose Rings, from within their dragon emerald ankh in their successfull eviction of many Draconian Reptilian Craft and looking glass technologies of false timetravelling. The portals from Stonehenge in the longer term of guardian host christos missions have meant extensive rehabilitation as the false ascension matrix, including thothian alien grail kings, were used as a starseed trap system connecting into Thuban, Thothian 11D AI reversals and Typhonian Tunnels as machined wormholes into False Maji Grail Kings gatekeeping the 11D fallen timefields acting as emerald order dragons. These creatures and their vast invasions, use of false and stolen emerald order records were evicted during the summer magnetic peak cycle when guardians completed their recovery of Arthur's Cosmic Tribal shield in which he projected his massive emerald four leaf clover and emerald templar cosmic pillar back into the stargate to lock out invaders from using his body for planetary timeline control.

The Glorius Recovery and the Seating of Dragon Queen Merida and her counterpart King Michael-Merlin as Dragon Kings Aeonic Paired into the Stargate during April-May of 2023 is reclaiming the various stargate controls as they are now seated in presiding over the 11th Tribes, and protecting the Planetary Body from their position inside the 11D Stonehenge Stargate. Merida's return is the principle of the Mother's Peach-White Queen inside the Bride of Christ in Solar Mary-Dhua she emanates Peach triple rose lines and her husband emanates lilac triple father's flowerings. Together they are rebuilding their body and reclaiming their 11D Maji Grail King & Queen restorational mission to protect the 11D Stargate Records which were stolen and falsified by Thoth and uploaded into alien supercomputers across the universe and into the wesan matrix paralell alien hive worlds.

Caduceus Implants, Serpent False Dragon Grid controls

During the extraction of the Caduceus networks from within the planetary grids, guardian families found several black corvidae corvidus black crow structures binding into various sections of the earth. The Caducues networks held in place the serpents vertical and wing bindings which keep the 666 electron proton spin metatronic reversals in place. The Caduceus networks with black diamond heart and cellular degeneration via metatronic antilife force spirals and the daisy of life death patterns, have been sequentially removed from the earth to free humanity into their solar patterning in building the organic male-female inner sacred marriage and to be removed from descending serpent fires. The Caducues networks across the earth were blocking the planetary wings and merkabah shields and were inherently controlling cruxifixion implants and 6d 7d reversals keeping Michael-Mary solar oroborous dragon ley line split apart.

The Caduceus implant prevents the male and female inner microcosmic orbit from unifying in the lightbody. The ida and pingala channels were used by the lunar forces to reverse the female currents to keep split apart from the inner male. The caduceus networks held reversal rods and time control in the earth, and the implant is reflected in the human 12 tree grid for removal during monadic integration to the 7D and above levels during wing building of soul triad to monadic triad merging.

Session Excerpt Grid Reports

During last few years, from 2017 Paliadorian activations the planetary Camelot Ka Ma Loti Flowerings of the centre of the Albion's pendragon shields, including the Universal Diamond Pillars of the Ruby Sapphire Diamond and Emerald Universal Pillars were bound into reversals and not running in King Arthur's Heart (Heart of the Albion Body, Pendragon Shields Rod-Staff Planetary Access points) the Morgana-Merlin reversal rose lines in black flowerings and various central grid lines north to south in the UK were filled with alien machinery in reversing and holding souls, and previous founder's body parts in reversals. The Camelot structure was in reversal rods, and in sections of dormancy in which the Paliadorian's mission for Rainbow Dragon Aurora Emerald Order Aeonic Pairs had previously laid in their Paliadorian Melchizedek Throne Room Shields to rebuild this into the Cosmic Clock of the Aeons from the Emerald Sun. Stages of this grid activation took place during the 2017 period of time, in which led to the rainbow rounds and King Arthur's Rainbow Watchtower being re-started from the centre of the UK. Various black raven, black crow, reversal North Eye in Crow Raven Thothian Black Magic - including the extensive damage Aleister Crowley did in busting open the UK portals into the Daath alien hive minds in Lyra were observed for extractions.

Leviathan-Solomon reversals as several 5 pointed stars in LVTHN splitting the 7D female aspects in magnetic reversals and pineal gland crown bindings, creates false miniature nanotech dragon rings as false rods and timeline reversals on the wings and is distorting perceptions to control the grail, this field is set to take individuals through a lunar embodiment of the black lunar mkultra path of becoming a powerful leader and control their psyche brain and consciousness to take on the falsified narrative of becoming a christed leader or teacher and to embody the nature of the thothian intelligences felt as christ as strands of the 7D verticals and the male-female rods to staff are glamourised by this NAA grid and transmission. This is being healed through the guardian host rishi-reisha nodes and dragon solar suns and halo sun-rings portals in the wings being corrected in stages throughout the earth and rods, as there are still Gaian birfurcation timelines affecting the solar dragon cosmic wings of the reisha-rishi for the earth. Many Pigs of war show up in the grids of the UK as spanned tanks of Moloch, these are used by the antichrist as repositories for blood sacrifice rituals and harnessing sacrificed souls, this energy directly feeds into the stonehenge underground black heart networks, which appear as synthetic blissed out astral frequencies to the spiritual neophyte.

Alien Grid Network Identification - Black Crow-Raven-Corvidae horizontal nets and grid bindings to black rose hearts as black orbs of alien roses on the UK grids, with more Thothian False Kings gatekeeping sections and areas

Reversals of Morgana, Mother's Fey Body of the Earth Domains and Kingdoms

During sections of the earlier recovery to King Arthur's body in the Albion from inside the UK lands, his body was covered with and connected to Lunar Female Alien mother black dragons and black female she-demon, femme fatale forces like scarlet woman sexual misery and baphomet bindings such as FatalE demons of deeply unsettling lunar and moon chain seducership energetics as enticers, seducer and conjuration held within the consciousness body froms of a black archontic being set into the earth's geomantic instructions in 1D and throughout the planetary rose lines in black roses and black lotuses, as also referred to as Morgana La Fey. Guardians later found and located white elohei female Morgana energetics being held in past timelines, enslaved into the belly of a giant beast underneath the United Kingdom and under elemental lunar sextant matrix and 666 curses control, as the solar consciousness body parts of solar dragon queen Morgana. Her body had been used by the OTO and lunar trident alien capstones to reverse her beloved essence of holy mother's solar light through the sun, and her body was being used in reversals to switch humanity into the life-sucking parasite of baphomet, to sell their soul to the alien devil horned god baphomet in return for fame, riches, wealth and continual enslavement to the alien gods using black scorpion queens in the rounds of time, in the controlled timelines throughout king arthur's planetary body. The conjuration magic and lunar forces when morgana or queen mab was being called upon on the earth, is the massive distortions created by the moon and lunar force reversal principles, whilst our holy mother's body was in disrepair and intentional damages on the earth.

[notes - Stonehenge Pillars of a single Black Crow Pillar was connected and extracted by guardians Sep 2022 into Niburu and Moon and holding in place trident antichrist couplings in the thothian trident - Shekina-Shakti-Sunanda as antihierogamic union controller archteypes in the lunar force, in creating lunar unions as false ascended masters with low dna templates stuck in the biwave and controlling time, this pillar was removed from the 11D stargate last year but is linked to the grid networks in the planetary aura] This is also one of the structures used in the false speakers or controlled oppositions to transmit the various false arthur and false planetary controls in which many thothian deceived controlled perceptions and knowledge promoting was set as something as a false "Aruthra" or something that sounds as Arthurus as a falsified passageway to false kantarians passages which appears as a 6 pillared rounded dome records passage through to a false Sirius B arc passageways, into the flaming black ball of black roses and pride in luciferian spiritual knowledges linked and connected to the UK portals of various 6D 7D false arthur gatekeepers

Within this field sections of 7D and 6D are many alien massive red wave spiders armies, and false pentacles of solomon; these distort the brain and memory, and also have been used to install false timeline memories in holographic inserts, AI and keep a goose chase on achieving spiritual knowledge as power in an non-gnostic manner through the AI, upholds the frequency of something that feels like a subtle thothian intelligence which has impacted the pineal glands and brain hemispheres, it distorts the christos-sophia potentials of the inner hara and grail line and is a part of recent extractions of lunar moon black twins being used to harness the various trident couples and astrological precessions timelocks

Where the kantarian azura heart configuration is not present inside the rishic rod higher heart or has missing or broken, enslaved and not embodied or present, the deception is possible to connect to these structures and perceive timelines or realities as truths, the naa deceptions targeting the kantarian lineages specifically to confuse sections of the albion network controls into the masses through control structures, misguided or false identities affecting the lower timefields and of which red wave AI zeta rings and red astral mirrors has been used to project and control perceptions. Most of these deceptions are being sent to inform a false identity into an ascending human to foster taking on board the fasle dragon rings instructions and channelings related to various controller agendas in deceptions of imposter emerald order identities. Celtic Maji Grail Lineages and the 11th tribe and 12th tribes of the Essenes,

Black Crow Raven Corvidus Black Templar Timekeeper Grids in subharmonic layers of the horizontal planetary fields in the atmosphere - showing up across scotland as the access point in the 7D-6D horizonal spans and subharmonic layers of the horizontal fields in the rods and fields as planetary rod inversions - this is a black magic grid of Thothian AI gatekeeping by the Enki-Enlil-Thothian Black Imposter Kings in certain gridpoints hosting AI timefields related to all things King Arthur

These fields are very similar to the 7D peru and antichrist black lillith-azazael issues, but contain holograms of false paired kings and queens and false partnerships as nested structures of false planetary rounds false planetary grail table rounds, and similar as false soul and monadic projections to harness confusions in the male and female wings inside the human body

The grid is harnessing multiple black templar maltese crosses to distort time in the rods in intersections of black and white hole ai spin points, and create connections into the black machined flowering shields and fields appearing to still be present in the planetary auric fields in 6d & 7d

The previous Caduceus networks extraction project in 2019 of the guardian host families and of which guardians identified yet more Black Raven-Crow Pillars and Fatale demons assorted serpents connected to this in various gender reversal transmissions, frequency fences and blocks which are showing as still present and creating confusions around genders and all things gender related or partnering in the twin flame deceptions and alien love bite scenarios

The transmissions are coming down and anchoring reversal feedback loops of AI between 1D-7D and preventing clear 8D accesses, these link into the orb black hearts of black rose orbs in the planet which appear to be connected in a network across the UK and into the European grids in Churches and other locations of what seems as Religious Hubs with demonic Houses and false cathedrals.

Saturn Planetary Body

Saturn has been used in extensive humanity control from the various blood cults and satanic invasions within the grids of Saturn. Saturn was installed with Black avian rings surrounding its body in the reisha-rishi layers of dark matter rings which were utilised as Corvidus-Corvidae black raven and black avian rings, holding various antichrist and Caduceus staff in Saturn's Staff. The Elaysan Staff activations and cosmic parents are restoring Saturns grids to extract the massive negative alien bloodline controls, including pedophilic networks, cloning and descendent serpent fires which bind humanity and Saturn in the 7D layers of female crucifixion implants in the mother's 7d axiatonal vertical channels.

See Also

[Morgana Morgan La Fey]