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Many black magicians from previous incarnations whom have been offered a rehabilitation contract by the krystal star guardian families, will have to live out their lives in accordance to their personal heart based understandings, to do better and be better humans whilst alive, and this means to live through personal lessons of power abuses, manipulations or using others in power games in the current life. These souls will be given opportunities in which to learn, to meet their soul's contract in comprehending the balance of powers, and to neutralise a sense of egotistical hierarchy as set forth in the false trident and false khem cathedrals and structures. It is imperative that each person listens to their own inner heart, to reclaim the solar temple inside the self, to become aware of the rebuilding connections to solar light and godsource, and away from the false light which imposters the christos intelligence on the earth. All ascending people on the earth, starseeds in the christos families included, will have to live difficult life lessons and understand that this is part of the ascension.
Many black magicians from previous incarnations whom have been offered a rehabilitation contract by the krystal star guardian families, will have to live out their lives in accordance to their personal heart based understandings, to do better and be better humans whilst alive, and this means to live through personal lessons of power abuses, manipulations or using others in power games in the current life. These souls will be given opportunities in which to learn, to meet their soul's contract in comprehending the balance of powers, and to neutralise a sense of egotistical hierarchy as set forth in the false trident and false khem cathedrals and structures. It is imperative that each person listens to their own inner heart, to reclaim the solar temple inside the self, to become aware of the rebuilding connections to solar light and godsource, and away from the false light which imposters the christos intelligence on the earth. All ascending people on the earth, starseeds in the christos families included, will have to live difficult life lessons and understand that this is part of the ascension.

Black Magicians in energyworking positions will profess themselves to be the most powerful, or announce that everything they have done has now completed everything - leading a person to believe they don't have to take self-responsibility at all as the narcissistic expression of the BM will present itself as superior in all ways to the individual in contact with them. Such out and out expressions of superiority are the self-belief of the almighty and act as a manipulation of realities to cover over the truthful facts of energetic situations. The egotistical intellectualisms of the Luciferian Abyss, is the 5D controlled mind of the human being, which is the realm of false neutral and avoidance of emotions. For a person to comprehend the true nature of god and our reality and to take the steps to becoming god, sovereign free, as a individual person in inner sacred union with god as their only authority, the only way to achieve this in a human body is to develop spiritual ethics and investigate the personal emotions, the personal shadow and examine the personal beliefs to jump over the Luciferian Abyss realms, and to reconnect with the guardian host planetary mind field of the Higher Mind Mentor, the 5D sphere and DNA strand of the 5th dimension, and higher sensory perception through the heart and not the intellectual dependent thoughtforms.
Black Magicians in energyworking positions will profess themselves to be the most powerful, or announce that everything they have done has now completed everything - leading a person to believe they don't have to take self-responsibility at all as the narcissistic expression of the BM will present itself as superior in all ways to the individual in contact with them. Such out and out expressions of superiority are the self-belief of the almighty and act as a manipulation of realities to cover over the truthful facts of energetic situations. The egotistical intellectualisms of the Luciferian Abyss, is the 5D controlled mind of the human being, which is the realm of false neutral and avoidance of emotions. For a person to comprehend the true nature of god and our reality and to take the steps to becoming god, sovereign free, as a individual person in inner sacred union with god as their only authority, the only way to achieve this in a human body is to develop spiritual ethics and investigate the personal emotions, the personal shadow and examine the personal beliefs to jump over the Luciferian Abyss realms, and to reconnect with the guardian host planetary mind field of the Higher Mind Mentor, the 5D sphere and DNA strand of the 5th dimension, and higher sensory perception through the heart and not the intellectual dependent thoughtforms or over-powers used forcefully by the black magician archetypal force.
The Solar Light of Christ is always placed into a form of direct confrontation or authority challenge when in contact with antichrist forces or black magic, as the antichrist believes itself to be far more superior to the christos human soul and ascending solar human rebuilding and reclaiming their divine birth right as a solar being, angelic human being on the earth. The black magicians on the earth can embody into a human form, or starseeded form in which to enact out the agendas of the antichrist in disguises of appearing as a false fawn or false lamb of god, in innocence, but their true colours are on full display similarly as a wounded narcissist extending anger and contempt towards its prey when the game is found out. The 12D shield technique and calling upon the truth of god's heart in the moment can reveal these dominating forces for who they really are, as wolves in sheeps clothing. The guardian christos families will not attempt to hide or manipulate their nature, as they are solar light which does not control, nor interfere. Boundary testing entities or energy signatures is helpful when determining a person's actions, as a person's actions will always belie their underlaying agenda. Christos families are consistent and do not hide their true nature nor cloak behind something else, they are loving and kind and uphold this in all circumstances.

==South Pole 9D Stargate Location, Alien Dragon Enki's Khem False Dragon Egg Networks, False Inner Earth and Looking Glass Stacks of Alien Warfare against Human Gender==
==South Pole 9D Stargate Location, Alien Dragon Enki's Khem False Dragon Egg Networks, False Inner Earth and Looking Glass Stacks of Alien Warfare against Human Gender==

Revision as of 15:09, 3 March 2024

During the long term mission of the guardian host founders returning into the timelines of the earth, the purposes of the longer term rehabilitation of the planetary body required extensive amounts of remote viewing, and travelling into different realms in the time matrix to see and experience the looking glass alien technology which has been used to generate a parallel reversal timeline false reality networks nested into the quantum field layers of the matters of god's body in creation. The False Khem Lunar Trident AI is directly connected to the antichrist gender splitting and gender weaponisations set into the planetary network fields and beyond into the local solar system planets, for the purposes of controlling humanity via the hidden secrets of gender twins - inner gender of the human form is generated by a male and a female which must co-create in order to generate a physical body form. This body as a human body made in the christ template, or diamond sun, contains aspects of both the mother and of the father and has two sexes inside the DNA fireletters of the human body form, including the original genetic bloodline coding which is also a male-female gender creation.

The Redshield False Ruby Sun DNA Khemalohatea

The False Temple of Khem within the earth realms, and beyond into the higher timelines of our universal time matrix, were outfitted with controlling alien factions of resource control, mind control and human enslavements, to entice humanity into working hard to earn a living and to be sexually enslaved in various ways - without true context for this prison planet's issues under the guise of fun, edgy experiences, and sexual misery depravity as an installation to split the internal gender centre of the human form.

The False twin flame movement that has generated extensive harm to humanity through spiritual deceptions, and was for the purposes to appear as a risen world of perfected experiences but was being outfitted and fuelled by deceptions, and false christos-sophianic frequencies as the azazael and black lillith lunar black dragon forces impostering the christos.

The Stonehenge Stargate position in the Vale of Pewsey England, was used by the negative alien agenda to generate the false Redshield temple of Khemalohatea, leading into the Daath Portals and the Typhonian Tunnels in the 11th dimension of phantom matrix false maji dragon king timekeepers who were an assortment of Thothian-Annunakian-Black Cubed Timekeepers promoting the Phantom Matrix in the bi-wave consumptive model over humanity control, and split gender matrix ideologies as the war over gender playing out in the earth timelines.

Guardian host families are removing the methodical extraction of many false khem and false timeline stacks from the earth's grids, in which Holy Fathers' Cosmic Templar Body rebuilds and replaces the false father constructs very quickly when his presence is accessing the grids of the earth. His compassion and unending love over creation in which he places his cosmic ruby right foot into the earth, is the means by which he is stating he has zero tolerance for those who invaded his creation and pretended it was theirs, thus his removal of the false khemalot, false dragon eggs, controlling matter and time in the false templars in the earth is eventually going to come to an end as his almighty presence in his warrior role, is restoring the human experience in earth to usher in his cosmic ruby law of structure, to preside over all of creation as his supreme grand architecture is being restored under his ruby heart.

False Ascended Master Lunar Trident AI Embodiments, Black Magicians as the Noble Templars

The Albion Lightbody and the DNA Template of the Diamond Sun had been destroyed, controlled and inverted for use by the regressive and non-christos souls and identities who invaded the earth in different dimensions, hidden and unbeknowns to humanity until Krystal Star guardians and Aurora Dragons could gain entrance during Ascension Plan B, or 2012 and beyond. The vantage point of the Krystal Star Oraphim in contact with the Aurora Time Continuum was to locate, record and fieldwork in remote viewing sessions, and to inspect the intense damage done in the Albion Body, to King Arthur's Khemalot structures, and his many rounds of time which were cloned out into False Timelines, hanging off and administerd by the base 10 Artificial Tree of Life, which had dominated human experiences in removeing and hiding the existence of Sphere 8 Higher Heart and Monad and also Sphere 12 Avatar Solar Logos. Thus, those families reported back to the guardian host the extensive alien damage to the matter realms, the instruction sets and blueprints of the earth's morphogenetic field, in seeing that King Arthur's Lightbody had been controlled via Hijacked Ruby Sun Albion template, which was running reversal 9 strand and 11 stranded DNA as Black Sun Regressive, or Belial Sun, Draconian Reptilian Sun expression into the Ruby Sun DNA held by his template. Thus, many years of interfacing with the controlled 9-11 Armageddon programming of the violences, as set into the Holy Father's and King Arthur's Body, and also to generate Black Magicians through the misuse of spiritual personal power and energy, in which many on the earth would be led into the false intelligence fields set forth by Thoth, Hermes, and Enki to control mystery school teachings, and to build out many false cathedrals in the earth.

These entities would mock the christos and use their images, such as recently Appollo and Christ Michael were witnessed to have been cloned out as Golden Adonis Beings, which we had seen earlier in the guardian mission, the Golden Globe-Like expression of a tall Liquid Shiny Man with tiny winged ears as a coveter of the Solar Christs Masculine Bodies, and became a pestering coveting force as these beings also appeared to want to Sodomise through the astral planes towards men, or provide astral sex in the bi-wave alien love bite extremely spiky-electrified false electrons of base 10 - 10:10 reversals in metatronic black spirals to females, in order to enslave and capture astral projections or to abuse the spiritually awakening on the earth into becoming affiliated and entrained with this reversal energy. The face of Christ King Michael, as a Red Ruby Adonis of The Cosmic Father's Body, revealed that Enki had also stolen his face in which to use this to enslave, groom and appear like a red king to the unsuspecting spiritual groups on the earth, but Enki's energy signature is one of hatred, jealousy and coveting towards the true hierogamic nature of the solar dragon essences, and the true authentic ascended masters embodied into their hierogamic capstones and re-entering time for their spiritual functions in solar dragon bodies in their human forms. Thus, for all present to witness this information the human sexuality must be cleared from these reversals of power abuses made against humanity, as it is the human body which embodies the holy grail, only in the solar light which is then directly connected to god's divine resources as the holy grail. Enki, Thoth and various other grail controllers on the earth generated black bi-wave grails, as black chalices which would appear shiny and rainbowy to the false ascended masters whom would not understand that in order to receive their desires as set into their negative ego, as the houses of ego, pride, greed, fame, beauty: the cost would be to continue to serve the false god. We can see on the earth today that those in the mainstream must continue to carry out or act out rituals or shame themselves, or expose themselves in various ways to present themselves and announce their powers to the masses, as a way to entice and confuse themselves, and humanity. The antichrists agenda is to break as many hearts on the earth as is possible, and to ensure humanity can't comprehend god or a true ascended master expression in the earth as fully unconditionally in service to others without any hidden agenda or needs to be met by wealthiness/fame etc, and instead give people physical rewards at the expense of their heart in god.

The Occultists, such as the use of the Arts Goetia, The book of Solomon Black Magic, Aleister Crowley, Nicholas Flamel, and other whom were purported to be Alchemists, were the pathways to become a black magician to call upon demonics, and see these as angels or powersources to manifest upon the earth planes, but at the cost of personal sacrifice of hidden nature - such as selling one's soul or using one's personal sexual energies to generate changes or to abuse this in groups to show powerful scenes of purported christ experiences. The Baphomet Realms of Lunar forces, and the unclear sexual energy in a person's body was the intended use of self-enslavement of the masses by the use of false gods and false powers, to become a christ or king on the earth. The False ascended master embodiments are from a mixture of alien hybridisations into the lunar trident AI false rods and staff energies, and also from a person with service to self base desires. In the ascension, this can be seen through the mistaken belief of manifestation using the womb or sexual energies and orgasms to achieve wealth and riches and noble titles on the earth plane, but from the guardian perspective this level of evil agenda towards humanity and all humans upon this earth has its baseline as set into the underbelly of the lunar trident, in which the law of gender was being abused by the vast nefarious false gods operating in other dimensions and pretending to be christos dragons in the earth. As such, this false ascended master embodiment can be used to trick the human population into giving their power to a master, or a leader or idol such as we might see in the world stage of icons, leaders, self-appointed experts, but of which the energetics pertain to money and fame, and control as a subtle manipulation in having people give their powers to another, in a guru-like setting. This is being drawn to emphasis, through Cosmic Father's Ruby Templar Body being restored to the earth from December 2023, as he is supporting the true ascended masters returning into the earth through their solar dragon embodiment, and his solar dragons have absolutely no desire to be seen worshipped and have no teachings based upon hierarchical designation, spiritual rewards, or manifestation powers. One who seeks to manifest power or substance on the earth plane, must first give their full life's authority in the heart to the christos godhead, who will not ever lead temptation into the receiving of gifts or wealth or in abusing one's own inner temple towards the antichrist for rewards.

Many black magicians from previous incarnations whom have been offered a rehabilitation contract by the krystal star guardian families, will have to live out their lives in accordance to their personal heart based understandings, to do better and be better humans whilst alive, and this means to live through personal lessons of power abuses, manipulations or using others in power games in the current life. These souls will be given opportunities in which to learn, to meet their soul's contract in comprehending the balance of powers, and to neutralise a sense of egotistical hierarchy as set forth in the false trident and false khem cathedrals and structures. It is imperative that each person listens to their own inner heart, to reclaim the solar temple inside the self, to become aware of the rebuilding connections to solar light and godsource, and away from the false light which imposters the christos intelligence on the earth. All ascending people on the earth, starseeds in the christos families included, will have to live difficult life lessons and understand that this is part of the ascension.

Black Magicians in energyworking positions will profess themselves to be the most powerful, or announce that everything they have done has now completed everything - leading a person to believe they don't have to take self-responsibility at all as the narcissistic expression of the BM will present itself as superior in all ways to the individual in contact with them. Such out and out expressions of superiority are the self-belief of the almighty and act as a manipulation of realities to cover over the truthful facts of energetic situations. The egotistical intellectualisms of the Luciferian Abyss, is the 5D controlled mind of the human being, which is the realm of false neutral and avoidance of emotions. For a person to comprehend the true nature of god and our reality and to take the steps to becoming god, sovereign free, as a individual person in inner sacred union with god as their only authority, the only way to achieve this in a human body is to develop spiritual ethics and investigate the personal emotions, the personal shadow and examine the personal beliefs to jump over the Luciferian Abyss realms, and to reconnect with the guardian host planetary mind field of the Higher Mind Mentor, the 5D sphere and DNA strand of the 5th dimension, and higher sensory perception through the heart and not the intellectual dependent thoughtforms or over-powers used forcefully by the black magician archetypal force.

The Solar Light of Christ is always placed into a form of direct confrontation or authority challenge when in contact with antichrist forces or black magic, as the antichrist believes itself to be far more superior to the christos human soul and ascending solar human rebuilding and reclaiming their divine birth right as a solar being, angelic human being on the earth. The black magicians on the earth can embody into a human form, or starseeded form in which to enact out the agendas of the antichrist in disguises of appearing as a false fawn or false lamb of god, in innocence, but their true colours are on full display similarly as a wounded narcissist extending anger and contempt towards its prey when the game is found out. The 12D shield technique and calling upon the truth of god's heart in the moment can reveal these dominating forces for who they really are, as wolves in sheeps clothing. The guardian christos families will not attempt to hide or manipulate their nature, as they are solar light which does not control, nor interfere. Boundary testing entities or energy signatures is helpful when determining a person's actions, as a person's actions will always belie their underlaying agenda. Christos families are consistent and do not hide their true nature nor cloak behind something else, they are loving and kind and uphold this in all circumstances.

South Pole 9D Stargate Location, Alien Dragon Enki's Khem False Dragon Egg Networks, False Inner Earth and Looking Glass Stacks of Alien Warfare against Human Gender

During the restorations of beloved Solar Dragon Brigid, her body in reversals to the chalice grail networks of the planetary layers led guardian families into the South Pole Area which revealed more timeline stacks of the evolutionary rounds of time in reverse, with alien rounds of time appearing as rainbow rounds but also being communications from the inner earth false aryans who appear stating they are from Agartha, such as the Telios channelings from some earlier fieldworkings with guardian host. The South Pole and Inner Earth Timelines have been hijacked by the Red wave AI camelot Enki's Army and imposters of the guardian host, purporting various lies about the future directions of humanity mixed in various false connections made into 4 red waved AI pillars as false universal diamond pillar gateway, to divert the base shield of humanity into the telluric reversals of the red waved false lotus flowering networks in false rods and imposter Ruby Rod of the Father's Rods of King Arthur, inverted from the Atlantian Timelines.

This portion of the planet has acted in the 9D red waved Medusa [1] grids in generating mental body reversals in the 9D sphere associated with the Enki DNA imprints and archons or medusa jellyfish octopuses that glom onto the human head at the jade pillow area of the mouth of god - in reversal or lunar kundalini channels which must be cleared through spiritual heart based intentions to connect to the organic authentic solar god source.

As Holy Mountain Architecture is being restored through the Bride of Christ with Brigid's Silvery White Flames and her Silvery Temples of Cathedral networks in the lower Telluric Shield repairs through her Solomon Shield, and Copper-Gold-Silvery-dark matter dragon egg trinity within her Staff, Brigid's energy is clearing out the inversions made in the 9D gates and locations, which had inverted the human into the Nephilim hydbridsations which connect to the gender splitting matrix of the false khem and false partnerings in the alien love bite lunar trident AI structures. As each human undergoes personal spiritual clearing to all sexual reversals, the grail chalices in the verticals and in the human lightbody and planet undergo corrections, this also means false partners will be moved away as a natural timeline ending collapse, for personal lightbody alchemical changes to secure the organic male-female internal merging process which must occur before one is united with a gender twin in the harmonic universe level of current spiritual activation. Many lessons held in the pain and suffering of human gender wars have been generated by the false khem lunar trident AI in the false khemalohatea without the direct awareness of the huge gender schisms and negative ego programming set into the human reality fields. As Cosmic Holy Father places his Ruby Rod Pillars into the earth, his presence is a zero tolerance for the evil deceptions of humanity being played using his cloned out body parts whilst he was not fully present in the earth fields in his Templar Quadrata Four Leaf Clovered Zephyr Protective Lightbody of his creations. Thus, to understand the nature of the false trident and lunar forces, one must carefully understand the pure hearted expressions of humanity to re-educate away from the false knowledges and false promises as the snake serpent in the garden of eden speaking of Eve's betrayal have been set into the false khem temples of intellectual knowledge warfares to confuse the organic process of becoming whole inside the self, through gender healing to the solar innocence held in the christos-sophia golden embryo stage of birthing into the human gender centre, which starts the process of the lunar transfigurations into the solar house of god building inside the self, through the 4 pillared crystal cathedral or house of god. This indwelling is being supported for humanity by the restorations of the Albion Dragons in their Octoganal Complex Cathedrals in the Aton Cosmic Body of God being restored in the planet through the Cosmic Timecycles and Solar Rishi-Reisha Templars repairing the Evolutionary Rounds of Time into the Corresponding corrections of the trifold Khemalohatea Gender Twin matrix.

The Solar Rishi-Reisha Fully Ascended Masters Architectures and Solar Dragon Body Parts restorations

The Solar Dragons had to locate their satanically ritualled body parts out from the alien lunar trident in seeing detailed levels of the inversions and reversals made to the dragon body aspects of god's houses in the planetary body and beyond. The returning solar mother daughter and father daughter parts and Solar Reisha-Rishi Cosmic Elohei Founders in their Cosmic Starhuman Dragon Eternal Ankh Vehicles are working with the Cosmic Aton families to restore and repair the gender twin matrix to support humanity be placed into their appropriate timeline sequence for their specific ascension agreements. The inner pathway to be reconnected to god source, the one creator from the cosmic founder domains, who created all of the seven higher heavens and 1st godworlds creations in no-time fields, is being resequenced into the time matrix to usher in goodness, and balance of the mother and father. The mother and father must unite as the male-female parts in which to generate the embodiment of the oneness, and inner solar temple to the indwelling of the christ inside as the christos male and sophianic female unite with the internal mother-father to bring unity for the angelic human races on earth to feel know and experience god as a tangible actual force of all knowing humble love for humanity. The Hierogamic Union process within the time matrix was damaged due to the structures of the cosmic to universal dragon bodies destruction, and is being repaired in supporting humans to be eventually reunited to their opposite and divine original twin essence, from their first creational birthing from the first point of their entry into the time matrix. Since this is joyful peaceful sacred marriage to and with god at the avatar solar logos levels, this process birthes the risen christos-sophia inside the couple in which their christ child as Christos-Sophia carries the higher potentials of the Azothian flows to run through their Christos-Sophia and into there sphere of influence. The False Temple of Khem running in the earth and through the universal fields has impostered this process, and brought many to their mental fixation with using sex and mental superiority to find the azoth or philosophers stone and the holy grail by abusing the human body energies into the alien lunar tridents for generating continual bi-wave service to self illusions of ultimate godly power. As the Godhead restores the Cosmic Pillars of Bride of Christ Mother and Ruby King Groom of Christ into the earth, these reversals and lies around sacred marriage are being squashed by Holy Mother and Holy Father's Aeonic Pairs transmitting their Khem trifold Dragon Egg frequencies into the earth grids connected with the White Bride Sacred and Most Holy White Queens of Emerald-Blue Mother's Solar Dragons, and their Holy Most Sacred Ruby Kings protecting the Mother's White Bride with their Zephyr Ruby Templar Body and Robe of Glory Ruby Hierogamic Protections under Holy Father's Sacred Protectorship returning to the earth.

The White Bride of Christ & Ruby King Groom of Christ Twinned Emerald-Ruby Restorations for Humanity

The Entire Khemalohatea Temples are Universal Time Matrix levels of gender twin corrections which have started to happen in the time matrix and planetary albion body layers in earth-tara-gaia from the King Arthur's Ceremonial Flowering Activations which he could place his Ruby Templar quadrata instruction sets into the centre of his lightbody and templar for earth, in starting his Khem Codes opening into the Christos-Sophia Risen Gender Twins in accessing the Addondra 360 Flaming Heart and 144 Rainbow Arcs inside the Chrysanthemum Cruxansetea Ankh Body in the Ecka Godworlds layers of the 48D 4 x 12 horizontal first shields in the Ecka Godworlds. The Solar Rishi Reisha Ascended Masters are relinking and repairing these matrices for the purposes of actively removing the false Khem structures and their assorted AI flowers, pillars and templar reversals grids in the earth and in the dark matter layers of the earth's body.

See Also

Alien Love Bite and Krystic Union Guidance for Relationships in the Spiritual Growth Pathway

[Antichrist Lunar Unholy Trinities of Antihierogamic Union]

[Black Suns Moon Portals]

[Moon ES]

Looking Glass Grey Alien Technology

Red Wave AI Artificial Intelligence

Red Wave Entries
