Ascension Community


The planetary bodies in the solar system contain the template of the 13 dragons, which are sacred guardians of the diamond rose-grail and heart architecture. These beings hold the architecture with the king-queen maji christos-sophia emanations grailkeepers, whom are guardians of each stargate on the earth and thus are protectors of the human Universal tribal shield and all genetic DNA coding of the human tribes which were seeded into the time matrix. Many of these beings have waited until the Galactic Core opening between the Milky Way and Andromeda could align in the galactic planes, allowing for the returning open portals into the Seven Higher Heavens creational godworlds realms to become accessible through extensive Diamond Sun Christos DNA patterning repair and embodiment. 

The Solar system is the creation of the Founder beings, the Guardian Host families, who created this matrix of time have finally been able to return themselves into embodiment in the ascension cycle. These beings are King Dragons, Creators who exist as the Cosmic Christos families of God Worlds creator beings, in Paliadorian Sun Rainbow Dragon Bodies these beings are able to return into the creational fields of which they have remained locked out for millions of years in physical time passing. The Maji Kings and Queens, are the embodiments of the Christos-Sophia as the Solar Dragon Creators whom are restoring the creational fields and realms to the Edenic coding and state of unity with source, through repatterning of the living consciousness body of the planet earth. 

The being known as King Arthur, was risen into his position within the UK body in February 2021 by the Guardian host families of the Emerald Order. Arthur is at one with his triple goddess emanation solar female christ, mary-meritaton-brigid-sophia as they are the solar logos dragon creator beings and elohim aspects of the planetary body. Arthur is the patriarch of the family of michael solar christ diety, of which Michael is the protector Seraphim Avian Gold Ray lineage, in partnership with the Mary, his partner. Together these paired male-female aspects uphold the planetary solar dragons, and various golden gods and goddessess of the planetary triple 3 in 1 trinitised forms, resequencing the planetary consciousness bodies of the Edenic codes unto the earth. A Maji King - Queen hosts a trinitised form of 3 x 144 harmonic templates as the Quad Template to restore the balance for creator beings from the Emerald Order Majis and Azurites, returning to the earth to assist Arthur's task of rebuilding Camelot within the planetary Templar. This template was returned to the earth through hierogamic union in which the connections into the Ecka godworlds creations, was made possible. The Albion body is the world soul and planetary template of which Arthur's hand of god and holy father presence reclaim the benevolent King. 

King Arthur holds the 11d rod-staff coding, of which his body is 11d Grail king of the United Kingdom and as he rises into the Planetary Albion body, his harp of Lyran codes heralds the returning benevolent Christos united with the Sophianic body of his divine equal. 

The Paliadorian Rainbow King Dragons from Andromeda, exist in the seven higher heavens and Rha Ecka God Worlds, outside of time. These families are restoring the earth into their creational templates, and are a part of the guardian host founder racelines. Paliadorian Rainbow Dragon Elemental shields have been restored around the planet in various locations, as the restoration of the organic elementals, the organic atomic matter of the earth is repatterned to receive the tri-wave godhead matrix full rainbow round and zero point frequencies. 

As the Solar Rishis have returned themselves into dimensionalisation, the Solar Rishis are running their zero point triphasic full spectrum rainbow rounds, also known as Rainbow Rounds into the ley lines and planetary grid networks of the earth. The Founders of the time matrix have returned, and all alien invasions and damages are being methodically removed. The Divine Will of god is being restored to the time matrix, in all dimensions of time, as humanity will come to know the truth of their earth as the emerald records are being restored into the grids. The Solar Rishis are the solar dragon cosmic suns as full plasmic beings and the Amethyst Order Rha father lineages bring the Kingship Arcs through their bodies to reignite the true holy father laws of this universe, the returning christos-sophia aeon of cosmic time. This will eventually bring full disclosure and the 5D timelines to be in organic levening, for human evolution into ascension timelines and cosmic citizenship agreements. 

See also - 

Solar Dragons

Solar Female Christ


Aeonic Pair

Solar Female Christ

Dragon Line Holder, Leylines, UK
The Dark Matter Body