Ascension Community

SPE, Supressor Parasite Entity, Archontic Implant 

SPE, Supressor Parasite Entity, Archontic Implant 
Part of the mind control and archontic deceptions sprayed out into humanity are referenced by the guardian host as SPE's or suppressor parasitic entities. These are also archons inside the earth's matter as large creatures generated from elemental compactions, and in the sky around the planetary auric field found to control air and wind, and send down false rainbow rays and false twin flame connections to the human populace. 

These entities can be observed inside of the lightbody as impacting the brain, nervous system and physical body, more commonly have the following traits:

*Are emeshed inside of several layers of the lightbody
*Can mimic and impersonate a person's inner voice
*can transmit thoughts of negative ego programs back into the mind as a loop
*are made from waveform technology, but more recently have been observed as being created from reversal father tone code sequences
*speak as if its the higher self of the person with a 'voice' very real inside of the head

*appear as if like a jelly fish anatomy, and can have 'children' as offspring connections, also can look as if they are neurons or the axis of the nerve or cell with offshoots

*Commonly use the 6d and 7d axiatonal verticals to gain access, or the gallbladder meridian. In the human lightbody between the 4d horizontal and the 7D sections, there is a weakness in the human lightbody which allows a more open access.

These parasites use impulses to control the central nervous system, and can be felt as 'moving' or squirming, sometimes impacting the physical flesh and can feel like a vicelike grip on the head, shoulders, neck, body parts as they can be entertwined in layers upon layers of lightfibres mixed with AI implants to hold them in place.

Because the human body connection to the avatar sits in the left head or ear, at the 10d sphere and solar star connection - these parasites are very commonly found on the left side of the body and can also block the true christic connections in the building of the triad communication station as part of the christ shield and avatar rebuilding in the 10-11-12d layers of the lightbody. These parasites can be removed upon understanding their existence, but can hide inside layers of the atomic and subatomic and inbetween fields of energy; thus it can take advanced etheric surgeon to remove this from influencing a person's energy field.

Removal can sometimes create a retaliative influence, having the starseed feel as if they are losing their touch with reality, In starseeds whom are accustomed to building the 12d shielding, this is supportive in repelling their influence. They like to target rigid thoughts and fears, and are a part of creating fear based thoughts and physical sensations inside of the person.

A person who is more fully controlled by these energies, is likely to have addictions and compulsions that must first be addressed in order to stop the controlling entity from having power over the person. They influence a person to have no thoughts of their own, by continually feeding the thought mechanism of a person into a submissive state, the person does not have critical thinking skills and can be often on 'autopilot'.

We want to stay out of states of being on autopilot and to come into full present moment awareness at all times. Focused and centred on what the current though is, what the current action is, and asking where the thought is sourcing from. In mind control, these parasites continue to attempt to gain control over a human body and the planetary brain has also been installed by them. Guardian gridwork projects work to remove these from the planetary brain, to free the human records of collective consciousness from alien control.

To remove these fully from the lightbody is to focus intention to ask for guardian support in the their removal, and from within the 12d shield, utilise the intention to remove them with the most appropriate frequency that you have access to. It can feel like a struggle to remove them, until the lightbody is more fully able to repel them.

Celestine fire white gold amplifier, or 12th dimensional platinum ray can be used to help the removal of them.

Sometimes they come back, or are sent out in the spray upon humanity, and if we become aware of them, we can ultimately remove them through our intention to do so. These can cause head and neck pain, internal physical stiffness and general tightness, with rigid mental beliefs being part of a person's viewpoint.